While rules I've proposed for SHOAGs are lengthy and sort of complex, I don't currently desire them to be in Total Warfare; they could be published in a future version of Tactical Operations, and remember that the rules for mobile structures are way more complex than below rules for SHOAGs.
Yes, I do believe that TAG & Light TAG attack(s) must each have LOS range to-hit modifier from Tactical Operations in place of each of their Short or Medium or Long or Extreme range(s) because TAG beam(s) or Light TAG beam(s) each create 0 heat, and repeated doubling of TAG or Light TAG range results with 0 heat generated, and so each of their ranges would be like limitless sunlight range.
No, I don't currently support chip's rule for having TAG(s) or Light TAG(s) be energy laser weapon(s) because of strafing rules, but strafing rules must be removed because infantry can use their lasers for TAG like effects; so after strafing rules are omitted, then I'll support having TAG(s) & Light TAG(s) be energy lasers that can be targeting computer compatible (BV formulas of TAG or Light TAG guided munitionscan be adjusted to proportionately accommodate that).
Clan Warriors, that were wanting a way to reduce getting hit by TAG and Light TAG guided attacks, told their Scientists to design a counter to those attacks. Those Scientists, knowing that TAG and Light TAG beams are made of light, could be shrinked by counter lights known as destructive interference and that would be constructive for units operated by Clan Warriors; and those Scientists, also knowing that TAG and Light TAG beams of light, could be expanded by counter lights known as constructive interference and that would be destructive for units operated by Clan Warriors. And so Clan Scientists designed SHOAG equipment.
A. When a TAG or Light TAG beam attempts to hit a unit or structure with functioning SHOAG equipment(s), player controlling unit or structure, that is making that TAG or Light TAG attack, must roll 2D6 and use table below to determine which modifier is applied to every attack homing in on that TAG or Light TAG beam. Multiple SHOAG to-hit modifiers are cummulative.
B. If unit or structure has fully functioning SHOAG(s) at nighttime, then that unit or structure is illuminated and therefore nighttime to-hit modifier doesn't apply to all attacks made against that unit or structure.
C. Each SHOAG light has a radius of 1 meter.
D. Each critical hit to a slot containing SHOAG destroys that part of that SHRAG.
E. Functioning SHOAG lights have no effect when they're armored using armored components rules.
F rule is now clarified as: "A unit or structure may use its own probe(s) or probe(s) of one or multiple friendly unit(s) or structure(s) to examine incoming TAG or Light TAG beam(s) that penetrate effect radius (radii) of probe(s) to get SHOAG to automatically attempt to omit said beam(s) and omitted TAG or Light TAG beam(s) have absolutely no effect provided that said probe's(') effect radius or radii is effective to examine said incoming TAG or Light TAG beam(s), but only one frequency of any SHOAG can be used to omit only one frequency of TAG or Light TAG beam(s) at a time, and omitted TAG or Light TAG beams are absolutely unaffected by A Time of Warfare TAG or Light TAG autohit(s) of 12.
G. Each SHOAG, that is mounted in a unit or structure (conventional infantry can't have SHOAG mounted), has 4.2% of that unit's or structure's total tonnage for SHOAG, and that doesn't include carried items like external cargo, handheld weapon(s), etc.; that SHOAG consumes a number of item slots as follows: 2 per location except head (SHOAG occupies just 1 critical slot). A conventional vehicle has SHOAG consume 1 item slot per each location. An Inner Sphere tonnage of SHOAG and Inner Sphere slots for a SHOAG are same for Clan versions of SHOAG.
H. BV for a fully functioning SHOAG equals unit's defensive movement modifier plus 0.02.
I. Cost for a fully functioning SHOAG equals SHOAG's tonnage multiplied by 2,500 Kerensky Bills.
SHOAG word replaced SHRAG word on Sept 15, 2017.
_________________ Any rules ideas that I post for BT aren't official unless an up to date BT rulesbook declares otherwise. You might have to wait at least a fortnight for me to reply because I'm usually very active. I won't discuss real life politics or religion on any of these forum(s), but my favorite color is yellow like my skin color (hint).
Last edited by Alayne Leung on Fri Sep 29, 2017 10:57 am, edited 14 times in total.