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PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 4:23 pm 
Lieutenant, JG
Lieutenant, JG

Joined: Thu Mar 10, 2016 8:59 pm
Posts: 145
My note: I'll later on provide an in depth example of rules below. And I would like to read each of you person's' reply or replies of feedback.

Game Notes: Civilian Spacecraft Ships (a.k.a. CivilShips) are spacecraft that are primarily designed for evaisvenesses and defensivenesses.

Game Rules: Every CivilShip's components and personnel function like a DropShip's xor JumpShip's xor spacecraft Monitor's with exceptions of constructions as follows; every CivilShip:

1, can't mount or use WMD(s), capital weapon(s), or subcapital weapon(s), but may mount standard weapon(s) as if it was a DropShip or JumpShip or Monitor spacecraft;

2, may have one or more K-F Drives, but the tonnage of each K-F Drive that a CivilShip has equals (0.005% tons per K-F Drive multiplied by CivilShip's total tonnage) + (total number of light years that that K-F Drive will be used to hyperspace CivilShip through multiplied by 1% multiplied by CivilShip's total tonnage);

3, may use dark matter cloaking system(s) and it may use ROYGBIV Energy Shield(s), but a dark mattre cloaking system and a ROYGBIV Energy Shield can't be used simultaneoulsy at same location or while said CivilShip is hyperspacing;

4, may use one or more Lithium-Fusion Batteries, but drawback(s) and benefit(s) apply;

5, may mount transit drive(s) as if it is a Monitor spacecraft;

6, have extended fire control computer system(s) that has or have a tonnage equal to the total tonnage of standard weapon(s) divided by 10;

7, the extra armor for standard weapon(s) equals total armor tonnage of location, that said standard weapon(s) are mounted in, divided by 1,000 and then multiplied by that location's standard weapon(s)' total tonnage;

8, the number of gunnery personnel for mounted standard weapon(s) equals at least 1 per fire control computer system per 6 hour shift and no civilian may use gunnery of any CivilShip during more than 6 hours at a time.

9, recreation bay(s) and laundry bay(s) are encouraged but never required;

10, may mass no more than 2,500,000 tons;

11, it's armor may be any kind(s) of armor, and maximum tonnage of said mounted kind(s) of armor that may mass on said CivilShip as if it was a space station, and all benefit(s) and all drawkback(s) of armor(s) mounted on any CivilShip apply;

12, may use artifical intelligence, but if an AI is controlling weaponry, then it has a Piloting base roll of 0 and Gunnery Base to-hit number of 1 (a CivilShip doesn't have an advanced fire control system);

13, may use any kind(s) of heat sinks provided that tonnage and room are both available for said kind(s) of heat sinks.

MilitiaShips use CivilShips rules (above) with changes below; a MilitiaShip:

1, can't mount or use WMD(s) or capital weapon(s), but may mount and use subcapital weapon(s) or standard weapon(s) as if it was a DropShip or JumpShip or Monitor spacecraft;

6, have extended fire control computer system(s) that has or have a tonnage equal to the total tonnage of standard weapon(s) or subcapital weapon(s) divided by 10;

7, the extra armor for standard weapon(s) equals total armor tonnage of location, that said subcapital weapon(s) of standard weapon(s) are mounted in, divided by 1,000 and then multiplied by that location's standard weapon(s)' total tonnage;

8, the 6 hour shift mentioned above is extended to 9 hour shift for each militia person per each computer fire control system.

11, it's armor may be any kind(s) of armor, and maximum tonnage of said mounted kind(s) of armor that may mass on said MilitialShip as if it was a JumpShip using current published official rules, and all benefit(s) and all drawkback(s) of armor(s) mounted on any MilitiaShip apply;

12, may use artifical intelligence, but if an AI is controlling weaponry, then it has a Piloting base roll of 0 and Gunnery Base to-hit number of 0 (a MilitiaShip does have an advanced fire control system).

Any rules ideas that I post for BT aren't official unless an up to date BT rulesbook declares otherwise. You might have to wait at least a fortnight for me to reply because I'm usually very active. I won't discuss real life politics or religion on any of these forum(s), but my favorite color is yellow like my skin color (hint).

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