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PostPosted: Sat Mar 16, 2019 4:02 pm 
Lieutenant, JG
Lieutenant, JG

Joined: Thu Mar 10, 2016 8:59 pm
Posts: 145
Here's what a member of my gaming group told us for persons to do in public schools, it's basically Sports BetterTech, and note this is not an idea to do away with BattleTech Game System, but this is an idea to create a practically entirely new game system that can be purchased in addition to or not in addition to BattleTech Game System product(s), this idea version called BetterTech Pizzapie Volleyballs:
I was thinking that BetterTech Pizzapie Volleyballs Game idea could be used to attract youths to BattleTech, BT (BetterTech) BT (BattleTech), or vice versa. Each team of BetterTech Pizzapie Volleyballs is given a pizzapie "slice" shaped area to play on in that simulation computer(s) game and number of real life person players could hopefully be limitless. BetterTech Pizzapie Volleyballs Game would have to be sort of a separate computer(s) game system entirely, and yes you could have other game versions of BetterTech such as football, baseball, soccer, hockey, etc., and perhaps chess, checkers, backgammon, and othello versions; they could also attract more players to BattleTech. So how would you like to become partners with me? We could type rules for said games to be programmed. Here's some ideas for a game of BetterTech Pizzapie Volleyballs version:

1, each person can each roleplay a 'MechPilot each using at least one 'Mech to play with each other or computer player(s) via LANs or Internet;

2, no attacks allowed, so remember, we're talking about children in public schools and many public schools prohibit all violence related media products within school's(') property perimeter(s);

3, only pacifistic non-combatant 'Mechs allowed;

4, one volleyball is given to each team just before game begins;

5, Piloting Skill Roll required for any 'Mech to pick up any volleyball and a Piloting Skill Roll to serve any volleyball over a net to attempt to score a point;

6, any volleyball, that lands on a plus number sensor, causes the team that caused that landing to get that number of points added to her or his current total; any volleyball, that lands on a minus number sensor, causes the team that caused that landing to get that number of points subtracted from her or his current total; any volleyball, that lands on a pi plus number sensor, causes the team that caused that landing to get 314 points added to her or his current total; any volleyball, that lands on a pi minus number sensor, causes the team that caused that landing to get 314 points subtracted from her or his current total;

7, play continues until total gametime has expired;

8, said game's total gametime shall be determined by the average of sum of all total gametimes that each player of said game votes for before game begins (one total gametime per player per vote per game before game begins);

9, player(s) with the most points total at end of game win(s) that game;

10, any kind(s) of official engine(s), any kind of official gyro(es), Accelerated Arm Actuator(s) that provides for more rapidly serving volleyballs over net, Industrial Triple Strength Myomer(s) that provides for longer distances of serving volleyballs over net, Myomer Signal Accelerated Circuitry(es), and any kind of official probe(s) may be used per any 'Mech provided critical slot(s) and tonnage is available for any or all of them per 'Mech (all benefits and all drawabacks of any or all of them apply);

11, computer controlled 'Mech(s), in any BetterTech Pizzapie Volleyballs Game, function as if each of them has a fully sophisticated artificial intelligence computer.
here's my ideas:

12, perhaps toy weapons (such as toy waterguns or toy barelysoftguns or toy plasticshots guns) and toy cardboard armor can replace combat weaponry and armor already on 'Mechs, but each location must be coated with aluminum to prevent rust, and that coating of aluminum doesn't count as armor unless it's ferro-aluminum armor (layers of different armors may be used provided tonnage and critical slots are all available);

13, yes, player(s) may use LAM(s), and when any LAM is in aeroplane mode, it may use its hand actuator(s) to try to "push volley send" volleyball(s) over a net or to other 'Mechs, but said aeroplane must be directly above it's team's "slice area" and may not accidentally use its exhaust to heat other 'Mech's;

14, yes, player(s) may use Superheavy "Better"Mech(s), "Better" Armor(s), or ProtoMech(s);

15, allow any unit to not be limited to using shortest path when jumping provided that sufficient jumping movement points are available for use.

Yes, I do have full permission to post above text. (To my full knowledge, none of that above text is copyrighted, though). Thus Hit___, Rick Raisley, Clarke_Marek, chihawk, and Goose, you each need not lock nor delete topic "BT for "E-Sports BetterTech" &viceversa not exclusivey either/both, so potential persons that aren't yet age 18, like BT".

Yes, such programming of above BetterTech games would most likely necessitate programming of at least two separate electronic versions of BT(GS): BetterTech Game System and BattleTech Game System. Hmm, perhaps various turns based versions of computer simulation BetterTech Game Systems or perhaps various simulated live actions based versions of computer simulation BetterTech Game Systems could be programmed and made. Maybe we could raise money for a television channel called ESBT to broadcast some E-SBT(GS) or BT(GS) games.

I want to read your feedback of comments, questions, concerns, thoughts, ideas, likes, dislikes about above text.

Any rules ideas that I post for BT aren't official unless an up to date BT rulesbook declares otherwise. You might have to wait at least a fortnight for me to reply because I'm usually very active. I won't discuss real life politics or religion on any of these forum(s), but my favorite color is yellow like my skin color (hint).

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