So the loss of a torso would not have similar feedback as an ammo bin going off?
Look at the issue scientifically: What is feedback in the first place? It would be a sudden surge of energy or information that overwhelms the wearer. What would cause it? An ammo explosion would be an extreme incident. I would also add energy effects like EMP and powerful jamming.
Under normal conditions, the neural helmet monitors various functions of the battlemech. The trickle of information is harmless but there are no fail safe systems installed that prevent harm from a sudden powerful surge.
Losing a limb or section would cut the data feed, as opposed to flooding the feed and causing damage.
In one of my campaigns one of the players invented a feedback capacitor (1 ton, 1 slot) that absorbed the feedback that would regularly effect the pilot. The device would hold up to six points of feedback but if damaged, would send all feedback to the pilot plus one additional point. (I was going to double the feedback but I didn't want the character to be removed from the cockpit with a damp sponge.