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PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 1:29 am 

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I'm happy to share. :)

Soon I plan on pushing up the files for all of these so they can be played with.

Note that these are all of the ships used in the Human Sphere, past and present. There are some ships, especially the lost ones in TRO 3057R, that simply don't match the canon universe. Ships better than the ones that replaced them, ships with technology that wasn't available to the faction at the time, stuff like that. With ships like that, I fixed them to fit with the time frame and to fit in the universe and I use those as the official Human Sphere ships.

For instance, the Farragut doesn't have gauss cannons when it is first introduced, but it is fluffed as being a testbed design and was still the first WarShip to carry them, just later in its life. :) So I have a 2400s version of the Farragut AND a 2700s version of it, with the later one being much more powerful. Of course, since existing canon has the McKenna being built off a Farragut hull, even the 2700s-era Farraguts are not as powerful as a McKenna, and the reason for them being taken out of service is to convert them into McKennas.

Essentially, I went through a LOT of that kind of work, making certain there is a reasonable power progression in designs and lethality of those designs from the 2300s up to 3067, and on into my timeline up to 3100.

Basically, the McKenna, the Texas, the Aegis, the Essex, and the like were the best, most powerful ships of their classes, in their times, and they were the product of hundreds of years of naval tradition. They were the cream of the crop and they rose to the top. They did not claw better designs down and destroy them with mediocrity. :)

So that is my feeling towards the canon universe and what I use in it. ;)

In the 3100 era, I wanted for these ships to still be evil incarnate. When somebody walks into battle with an old line McKenna, or even a Cameron, it is the end of the world unless you have a matching ship or a WHOLE lot of smaller ships to mob it. And if you mob it, you WILL take casualties. That was the FEEL I was going for. Big ships are evil. They are also rare. Small ships are common and most don't have more than one or two big weapons.

The in universe reason for that change was because the modern Successor States are all so small, with many number under a dozen systems. It's not economically feasible for them to build large fleets of Star League-quality ships. So they build smaller ships that require fewer resources to build. Hence, the return of the smaller "war frigate" style spacecraft that are under 100 ktons.

So...yeah...that is what I'm going for when it comes to all of these designs. :)

Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 1:26 am 
Grey Lensman
Grey Lensman

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The biggest WarShip missing is the Leviathan 2 because I can't find for the life of me where its stats are. I'm CERTAIN they are in print but I can't find the book they are in.

Does anybody know?

Stats are on their way 8)


"North of Mason, South of Dixon, 2nd star to the right"

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 7:39 am 

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I've added some of the JumpShips to the main listing now.

Not all of them, but the most common ones are up now. :)

http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... r_list.php

Enjoy. ;)

Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 5:08 am 

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Files now uploaded for your viewing pleasure.

Note that this is a simple search and zip of ALL files in my HMA directory with the name Human Sphere in them. Some of these are fully completed, while some are rough drafts. But with people asking for them, I wanted them out before I hit the road for GenCon. So, if you want, you can play with them now. Remember, these are not all complete, and many ships that will be there are missing, but this does cover all of the WarShips, most of the JumpShips, and some of the DropShips and Small Craft. I don't believe any fighters are in the zip file.

Enjoy. :)

http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... r_list.php

Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 6:52 am 

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I've finished uploading the TRO entries for the last of the JumpShips.

Now to start slowly working on the faction lists. I plan on having one page showing the designs that each faction builds and uses. Now that I have all of the Jumping stuff finished, I'll get to work on that and start filling in the DropShips as I run into them. In that way, I'll slowly work through all of the DropShips and then fighters and then BattleMechs and vehicles that the major nations use. :)

Yeah...I'm not close to being done yet. ;)

Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 5:16 am 

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I've now updated the ComStar page in the Defense Database with the major designs that they use in the Human Sphere

Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 5:02 am 

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I've updated the AMC, Tikonov Free Republic ,and Draconis Combine defense database pages with all of the designs they build, including fully fluffed designs for all of the DropShips and above.

Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 7:53 am 

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I've updated a large number of the Successor States with information on which units they use in combat.

ComStar and all of the factions of the old Inner Sphere are updated. I have the Clans and the old and new Periphery still to do, but the lion's share of the basic marking is done.

Note that in most cases the exact variant is not noted, so if you wish to use these pages to make a basic force some discretion will be required for the moment. Long term plans will include the exact variants and such, but I'm doing this one piece at a time. :) I hope you understand. hehehe.


Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 8:50 am 

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The Clan factions have been updated with the lists of what primary units they use in their combat arms.

Next up on my list of things to do is the Outer Sphere and Periphery realms, and the lists will be complete. :)

Hope you enjoy. :)


Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 2:24 am 

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All factions in the Inner and Outer Spheres have pages now listing the designs they use.

Grey, if you read this you may be interested in checking out the Marian Hegemony and see if you recognize any designs. ;)

Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 4:02 am 

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All major factions have had their military database page updated showing which designs are the most commonly used by them.

I'm now starting to work on pushing updated fluffed designs for all BattleArmor to the database. Next will come the ProtoMechs, and then BattleMechs and on up. Yeah...this could be a while. :)

INN's Defense Database can be found here:


Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 8:52 am 

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All BattleArmor used in the Human Sphere have been uploaded to the Defense DataBase. :)

http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... r_list.php

Enjoy. :)

Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 8:36 am 

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I have uploaded all of the ProtoMechs used in the Human Sphere and added them to the Defense Database.

Also, I have uploaded file archives of all of the ProtoMechs and BattleArmor to the site that you can use in HMBA and HML. Finally, I've updated the file archive for HMA to include the designs that I've made since GenCon and uploaded that file archive as well.

All of this can be fun here, at one special stop. :)

http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... r_list.php


Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 8:48 am 

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I have uploaded the ComStar Defense Database page with links to all primary ComStar designs.

You can find it here:

http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... omstar.php


Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 4:27 am 

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I have finished uploading all designs used by the Tikonov Free Republic. They all have full fluff, the main reason it has taken so long. Still, I'm happy with the final result and intend to continue in this vein. :)

Hope you enjoy.

http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... public.php


Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 5:13 am 

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And I've finished pushing up all of the Draconis Combine designs.

*looks at the date for the Tikonov Free Republic and winces*

Yup, that took a month to fluff them all, doing two to four each weeknight. This could be a while before I finish them all. Heh.

Well, here they are and I hope you like them. :)

http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... ombine.php

Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 6:41 am 

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Due to demand by multiple persons, I've finally gone and made a map of the Human Sphere that people other than me can look at and know exactly which planet is which and who it belongs to short of pulling up the original map and counting planets. ;)

I hope this helps to give you a basic idea as to the landscape of the Human Sphere in the year 3100. :)

http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... sphere.php

Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 1:17 am 

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Happy Birthday Human Sphere!

Well...ok, so that would be tomorrow, but I'm traveling tomorrow so today it gets the nod. :)

Tomorrow will be the third anniversary of the day I first began uploading the Human Sphere website. Next month will be the FOUR year anniversary of when I first posted information about the idea that became the Human Sphere on HMP.

Dang...I've been doing this a while now.

And yesterday, I finally uploaded a map so people can SEE it all. Yeah...that took long enough. ;)

Anyways, I just wanted to thank those of you who have helped me with it, and those of you who have taken an interest in it. It's been a blast coming up with it, and it will continue to be so as long as I continue to work on it.


Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 7:08 am 

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Ah, I've finally finished pushing up the main "generic" designs that pretty much any planet can use in "support" of the normal name brand war designs. Almost all of these units can be easily seen pretty much anywhere in the Human Sphere on any industrialized world. Some of them are civilian, some of them are basic military units, all of them are common. :)

I hope you enjoy them. :)

http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... upport.php

Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 6:03 am 

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The design pages for ComStar, Tikonov, and the Draconis Combine have been updated with miniatures and some new designs. Hope you enjoy, and once again, any ideas you have for miniatures would be greatly appreciated. :)

http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... omstar.php
http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... public.php
http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... ombine.php

Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 5:35 am 

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Defense Database Files Uploaded
I've added and updated some HeavyMetal zip files of a large number of designs used in the Human Sphere. These are mostly the generic designs that can be seen everywhere, along with a good representation of DropShips, JumpShips, and WarShips throughout the Sphere. I also have detailed vehicles, BattleMechs, and Fighters used by the Terran Reaches and the Draconis Rifts and plan to expand in the future. They can be found on the Master Design List page. I hope you enjoy them and thanks all for the support in reading and commenting on the Human Sphere.

http://www.heavymetalpro.com (of course you probably know this one already :) )
http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... .php#FILES

Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 10:36 pm 
Commanding General
Commanding General

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Posts: 1828
I just found the link. Thanks for getting everything organized MP!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 11:29 pm 

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Mmmm....it has been fun...and I'm still going at it.

Working to get three factions up to snuff for publishing a PDF with them.


Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:32 am 
Supreme Mugwump
Supreme Mugwump

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http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... _large.gif

does not seem to work

Edit: i went to the adress http://www.pryderockindustries.com/humansphere/images rightklicked on the file and saved it to, now i got a working copy on my computer. browser problem?

typos and spelling-mistakes are property of the finder. english is not my mother-tongue.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 11:37 pm 

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Must be a browser issue because I just clicked on the link and it worked fine.


Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 11:29 am 

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I have pushed up what will hopefully a daily digest of mercenary units, updated to the Human Sphere timeline. Please tell me what you think. The first unit is the 48th. Enjoy. :)

http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... ission.php

Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 3:44 am 

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And today in the limelight, is Ace Darwin's WhipIts, that crazy frathouse calling itself a mercenary unit. :)

http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... adswhipits

Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 4:43 am 

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And here comes the Always Faithful, a mercenary unit dating back to the time of the fall of the Star League.

http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... ysfaithful

Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 5:30 am 

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Now it is time for Ambermarle's Highlanders, one of the founding members of the Capellan Brigade, to have their one day of fame. :)

http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... ighlanders

Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 5:18 am 

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And, for the last update this week, here are the Federation-loyal Arcadians.

http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... #arcadians

I'm starting work now to make certain I can push out five more mercenary briefs next week, and I plan to do an update on this site, every single weekday from now on. I don't want you all thinking I've stopped working on the Human Sphere while I'm editing in the background after all. I'm still working, and I've got some cool plans in the works.


Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 5:39 am 

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The 42nd Armored Lightning Regiment is Monday's selection for "Mercenary of the Day." If you have a better idea for a name, tell me please. I'm running out of ideas and I just started thinking. ;)

http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... 2ndarmored

Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 8:27 am 

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Avanti's Angels are up today, from the Clan front to the Magistracy, they've traveled across the most populated regions of the Human Sphere and survived to tell the tale. :)

http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... ntisangels

Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 8:51 am 

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Today I had some fun. Fixing the 48th to fit with their ancestry as an Amphigean Light Assault Group which weren't noted as being mercenaries in Merc Supp Update when the 48th were introduced, and of course writing up the Amphigeans themselves. Ah yes. Fun times today. :)

http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... n.php#48th
http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... amphigeans

Hope you enjoy. ;)

Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 6:08 am 

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Ah...the Bad Dream. Somehow, they seem to be aptly named. Poor suckers. :)

http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... p#baddream

Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 7:39 am 

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The stalwart Bannockburn's Bandits have proven themselves one of the most loyal mercenary units in history, serving on MacLeod's Land for over a century. Few, if any, mercenary units can claim a landhold that old.

http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... rnsbandits

Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 9:14 am 

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Barber's Marauder IIs died beneath the Falcon's wing, but the reborn Marauders are back, nastier than ever.

http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... smarauders

BTW. In case you didn't know, this page looks cooler if you have the BattleTech fonts installed on your computer. :)

Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:00 am 

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A century old, Barrett's Fusiliers bring their "All for one and one for all" tradition to Zion.

http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... sfusiliers

Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
Who is John Galt?

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 8:54 am 

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One of the youngest mercenary units in the Human Sphere, the Battle Corps Legion has dodged such vile enemies as corporate lawyers and nuke-waving Wobblies with equal aplomb. In a universe where even the vaunted Wolf's Dragoons have fallen victim to such treacherous attacks, that also makes them one of the luckiest mercenary units.

http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... attlecorps

Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
Who is John Galt?

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 7:58 am 

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Technician Warriors on par with the New Avalon Cavaliers or Doctor Banzai's old unit, Battle Magic is responsible for giving us one of the greatest revolutions in battlefield technology of the last three centuries. They created the Multi-Missile Launcher shortly before the Jihad erupted, and spread the technology around to the entire Star League for use against the Word.

http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... attlemagic

Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
Who is John Galt?

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 9:10 am 

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Ah yes, those bad boys of the mercenary business are back. Never fear, for the funds of your bank will always be safe in the hands of the Black Angus Boys. :)

http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... kangusboys

Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
Who is John Galt?

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 12:18 pm 

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What do you do when a Black Cat crosses your path? Your sanity and dignity depends on your split second decision. ;)

http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... #blackcats

Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 8:59 am 

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The Black Heart Roses pilot of collection of rare and unique BattleMechs ranging from Adam Steiner's old Axman to Savannah Johnson's SECOND Locust, not the one that exploded under S. L. Lewis's guns.

http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... heartroses

Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 8:22 am 

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The Black Knight Legion, those bad boys from MechWarrior 4 Black Knight are back in black. No job too dirty, no C-Bill too washed to accept. If you need something done, they are your men as long as you can pay them. :)

http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... ightlegion

Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
Who is John Galt?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 8:51 am 
Commanding General
Commanding General

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No job too dirty, no C-Bill too washed to accept.
Their phrase goes: "No mission too desperate. No job too dirty. Keep YOUR hands clean, and call in the Legionnaires."

[i]You know what they say, don't you? About how us MechWarriors are the modern knights errant, how warfare has become civilized now that we have to abide by conventions and rules of war. Don't believe it.[/i]


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 2:29 am 

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Yup...that is a cool saying and I must say I do like them in a "I really want to wack them" way.


Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 5:51 am 

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I hope you all had a good Christmas and New Years. I'm back from the break, and ready to start posting merc units again. Have fun, and have a good year all. :)


Once one of the larger mercenary units, the Dioscuri proved one of the few mercs able to survive a battle with the Jade Falcons. Barely.

http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... p#dioscuri

Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:45 am 

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The Dismal Disinherited is one of the best mercenary units in the Human Sphere, with an uninterrupted reputation for quiet excellence since their formation around the First Succession War.

http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... sinherited

Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 9:04 am 

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The DropShip Irregulars are one of the prankster units in the Human Sphere, never willing to simply beat an enemy when they can humiliate the enemy at the same time. This led to one of the more interesting duels on Terra between the Irregulars and the previously humiliated Word of Blake Deviants. BattleROMs of that engagement are required viewing in Solarian academies, and practical jokers really love them for the ideas they get.

http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... irregulars

Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 8:47 am 

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And here we have the Furies, an armored regiment with a reputation for looking out after number one.

http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... php#furies

Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 8:59 am 

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The Gray Death Legion has been smashed many times over the years, and for a time they even stopped assembling. But the Legion has proven hard to kill, as many enemies have learned to their detriment.

http://www.pryderockindustries.com/huma ... eathlegion

Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
Who is John Galt?

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