One of the newer TROS (Prototypes I think) has a Vixen, Quickdraw and Axman designed to carry interchangeable external gun pods and work as a semi-omni mech. As I recall you lose a point of movement, and use of both arms, and all torso locations for usable weapons while holding the gunpod. Anyway, I've been toying with the idea of a design likes these, but more optimized to the gunpod role. Has anyone spent much time working on this sort of mech?
What I have come up with is still early, but the basics are: 60 tons 5/8, SFE, max FF, Endo, TSM, Compact Gyro, Torso Mounted Cockpit, 10 DHS, TC, Angel ECM, ERPPC in Head, Light PPC in one leg, couple of medium class lasers of undecided flavor in the other, and a Flamer covering the back. Basically far better then average durability, all energy weapons, and the ability to fire them all while holding the gun which would be 6-12 tons and designed for different roles.
Thoughts, ideas, suggestions?