i found out it is not possible to build a 200 ton steam tank with bar 5 armor, as the sum of internal structure and engine would be larger than the vehicle weight, this is the case as soon as the vehicle is classified as heavy(more than 100 tons)
so here comes the land-ship (the term was used by the british minister of the navy, Winston Churchil, when the army rejected the tank-concept. W.C. wanted the concept to be further developed so he declared tanks were "land ships" and thus a responsibility of the navy..) so this is what comes to my mind when i read "land-ship":
Type/Model: Steam tank "landship"
Tech: Earth 1914
Config: Tracked Vehicle
Rules: TL/a medium tracked vehicle, armored
Mass: 100 tons
Power Plant: Steam engine
Cruise Speed: 10 km/h
Maximum Speed: 20 km/h
Armor Type: Steel Bar 5
Manufacturer: (Unknown)
Location: (Unknown)
Communications System: signalling flags
Targeting & Tracking System: Mk1 Eyeball w/iron sights
Type/Model: Steam tank "landship"
Mass: 100 tons
Construction Options: Fractional Accounting
Equipment: Items Mass
Int. Struct.: 0 36
Engine: steam engi 0 26
Cruise MP: 1
Flank MP: 2
Fuel: 0 7,8
range: 1000 Km
Heat Sinks: 0 Single 0 ,00
Cockpit & Controls: 0 0,0
Crew: 4 commander,driver,engineer,boilerman(for base operation wo/weapons)
Turret Equipment: 0 0,062
Armor Factor: 204 pts Steel bar 5 0 20400
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Front: 10 51
Left / Right Sides: 10/10 51/51
Rear: 10 51
Weapons and Equipment Loc Heat Ammo Items Mass
1 Cargo/payload Body 0 1 8,8
TOTALS: 0 1 100,00
Items & Tons Left: 0 0,00
that is the base construction, without any weapons. weapons or cargo could be added as needed.
i imagine a 5 meter wide 13 meter Long and 4 meter high body. the body is a box with triangular bow and stern. the body is separated into two decks. the upper deck is flat and hexagonal, it carries all the weapons and payload. the lower deck is rectangular. its 5 metres wide, 8 metres long and 2 metres high. it carries the steam engine and boilers. from its front and rear corners there are slopes to the front and rear end of the upper deck. the lower deck has two steps at both sides, the steps are 50 cm high and a meter wide, under that steps the tracks and suspension are to be found.
on top of the upper deck is a bridge, it is 5 metres wide two metres deep and two metres high. it is the place for the commander and communications. behind it two funnels and the mast can be found. the funnels are 3 metres apart and 4 metres high. the mast is 10 metres high.
one Version of the armament:
1 37 mm cannon front 50 shots 0 2 0,600
4 37 mm cannons left broadside 200 shots 0 5 2,400
4 37 mm cannons right broadside 200 shots 0 5 2,400
1 37 mm cannon rear 50 shots 0 2 0,600
1 MG front 1000 shots 0 2 0,060
4 MG left broadside 4000 shots 0 5 0,240
4 MG right broadside 4000 shots 0 5 0,240
1 MG rear 1000 shots 0 2 0,060
cargo body 0 1 2,200
this Version would add 10 gunners and 10 machinegunners to the base crew. 4 officers would command them.