Based on the 1 ton pulling vehicle Comes the armored personal carrier sdkfz 250.
there were a number of Versions that mainly differed in Equipment.
Type/Model: Leichter gepanzerter Kraftwagen (Sd.Kfz.250)
Tech: Germany 1940
Config: medium Halftrak support vehicle TL b(tracked by rule)
Mass: 5,800 tons
Power Plant: ICE, Maybach HL 42 TRKM.
Cruise Speed: 41,4 km/h
Maximum Speed: 62,0 km/h
Armor Type: none
Armament: none
Manufacturer: Demag AG
Location: Germany
Communications System: varying by version
Targeting & Tracking System: n/a
Type/Model: (sd.Kfz. 250) Demag D7 p
Mass: 5,800 tons
Construction Options: Fractional Accounting
Equipment: Items Mass
Structure weight.: 0 1,137 Kg
Engine: Maybach HL 42 TRKM 100 Hp 0 1,392
fuel 0,140
Cruise MP: 4
Flank MP: 6
Heat Sinks: 0 Single 0 ,00
Cockpit & Controls: 0 ,00
Crew: 1+7 Members 0 ,00
Turret Equipment: 0 ,00
Armor Factor: 20 pts Steel 0 1260
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Front: 1 6
Left / Right Sides: 1 5/5
Rear: 1 4
Turret: 1 0
Weapons and Equipment Loc Heat Ammo Items Mass
cargo Body 0 1 0,800
trailer hitch rear 0 1 0
seats: 1+7
correction factor 0 0 1,071
TOTALS: 0 2 5,800
Items & Tons Left: 3 0,0
Leichter gepanzerter Kraftwagen means light armored powered vehicle.
as this vehicle is just above the 5 ton Limit for light vehicles i decided to use the engine factor for light tracked vehicles. i would have been limited to 11 Points of armor otherwise.
Sd. Kfz. 250 : squad Transport
Sd. Kfz 250/1 : for one squad with 2 light mashineguns 42 or one heavy machinegun 42
Sd. Kfz 250/2 : for a telephone-squad and laying cables
Sd. Kfz 250/3 : light Radio vehicle, Rommel used this as a personal Transport
Sd. Kfz 250/4 : light Observation vehicle
Sd. Kfz 250/5 : light Observation vehicle
Sd. Kfz 250/6 : Ammunition carrier a) 70 shots for 7,5 cm l/24 OR) 60 shots for Long Barrel 7,5 cm
Sd. Kfz 250/7 : for a 5-man squad and an 80-mm grenade-launcher OR 66 shots of ammo for 80 mm GL
Sd. Kfz 250/8 : armed with the 7,5 cm K51 L/24 this vehicle weighs 6.3 tons Crew of 3 men
Sd. Kfz 250/9 : armed with the 20 mm KwK and an Mg 42 Crew of 3 men
Sd. Kfz 250/10: armed with the 37mm AT, four men Crew
Sd. Kfz 250/11: armed with a "schwere Panzerbüchse 41", 6 men Crew
Sd. Kfz 250/12: light measuring squad 3-5 men Crew.