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Gorbachevs' Organ
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Author:  Goose [ Sat Mar 30, 2019 6:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Gorbachevs' Organ

          BattleTech Vehicle Technical Readout
                   * CUSTOM WEAPONS

Type/Model:    Gorbachevs' Organ 
Tech:          Inner Sphere / 3060
Config:        Tracked Vehicle
Rules:         Level 3, Standard design

Mass:          40 tons
Power Plant:   240 Pitban Fusion
Cruise Speed:  64.8 km/h
Maximum Speed: 97.2 km/h
Armor Type:    Reactive
  1 LRM-20*
  1 Laser AMS*
  1 Machine Gun 
Manufacturer:  (Unknown)
  Location:    (Unknown)
Communications System:  (Unknown)
Targeting & Tracking System:  (Unknown)

Type/Model:    Gorbachevs' Organ 
Mass:          40 tons
Construction Options:  Fractional Accounting

Equipment:                                 Items    Mass
Int. Struct.:  16 pts Standard               0      4.00
Engine:        240 Fusion                    0     11.50
Shielding & Transmission Equipment:          0      5.75
    Cruise MP:   6
     Flank MP:   9
Heat Sinks:     10 Single                    0       .00
Cockpit & Controls:                          0      2.00
Crew: 3 Members                              0       .00
Armor Factor:   38 pts Reactive              2      2.38

                          Internal    Armor
                          Structure   Value
   Front:                     4         15 
   Left / Right Sides:        4      10/10 
   Rear:                      4          3 

Weapons and Equipment    Loc  Heat  Ammo   Items    Mass
1 LRM-20*                Front    0   20     2     11.33
1 Laser AMS*             Front    3          1      1.50
1 Machine Gun            Front    0  100     2      1.00
1 C.A.S.E. Equipment     Body                1       .50
TOTALS:                           3          8     39.96
Items & Tons Left:                           5       .04

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        1,962,660 C-Bills
Battle Value 2:    687 (old BV = 552)
Cost per BV:       2,856.86
Weapon Value:      105 / 105 (Ratio = .15 / .15)
Damage Factors:    SRDmg = 8;  MRDmg = 9;  LRDmg = 5
BattleForce2:      MP: 6T,  Armor/Structure: 0 / 2
                   Damage PB/M/L: 2/1/1,  Overheat: 0
                   Class: GM;  Point Value: 7
I need to get off my butt 'h bash out a 10-heat L-AMS custom …

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