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PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 10:25 pm 

Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2015 11:25 am
Posts: 53
                    AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout

Class/Model/Name:  Alliance Class Dropship Mk VV CAT
Tech:              Inner Sphere / 3067
Vessel Type:       Spheroid DropShip
Rules:             Level 2, Standard design
Rules Set:         AeroTech2

Mass:              12,300 tons
Hull:              Newton FS Framework
Power Plant:       Magna 3000tx Standard
Safe Thrust:       3
Maximum Thrust:    5
Armor Type:        Durallex Standard Standard
   54 Johnston High Speed ER PPC
   48 Imperator Dragon's Fire Gauss Rifle
   18 MainFire Point Defense AMS
    1 Valiant Catapult Long Tom Artillery
    2 Valiant Catapult Arrow IV System
Manufacturer:   Federated Boeing of Galax
  Location:     Galax
Communications System:  DynaTech PlanetComm Model V
Targeting & Tracking System:  Garret MultiTrac Type XII w/Active Target Sync
     With the Civil War over the AFFS Procurement Department has one of the
largest rebuilding projects ever. Replacing all the units lost in the Civil
War will be a daunting challenge. With the completion of the Conquistador
Class dropship the AFFS was one step closer to finally having the kind of
dropships they needed for their Regimental Combat Teams. The Procurement
Department decided to solocit bids for several Combined Arms Transports, or
CAT's. Specifications for several different CAT's were layed down and several
large companies put in bids for the new ships. Federated Boeing of Galax won
the contract for what become known as the Alliance Class Combined Arms
Transport. The design process was lengthy and ripe with problems, but after 4
years the first prototype slipped out of the yards and began testing in
earnest. After 6 months of intensive shakedowns the design was approved. and
the first new ships are planned to be delivered within the next 4 months. This
new ship will finally give the Federated Suns the tactical flexability their
RCT's have always wanted.

     The Alliance is the largest of the new CAT's the Federated Suns are now
deploying. The Alliance is capable of transporting an entire combined arms
regiment onto the battlefield and then deploying its artillery to act as a
firebase in support of its cargo.
     Designers tackled many problems when laying out the design of the
Alliance and made many compromises on the ships layout. In the most unusual
move the Aerospace Fighter bays were located on the bottom most deck above the
engines (Deck 10). This allowed the ships compliment of six AeroFighters to be
loaded or unloaded while the ship was grounded. This meant the ship could land
and then refuel and rearm its AeroFighters without having to be in orbit of
the planet (something current Dropships cannot do).
     The deck above the Aerospace Fighter hangars hold the ships armored
vehicles. Deck 9 is split into two subdecks and holds the heavy vehicle
company in the lower portion while the two lighter vehicle companies are on
the upper portion. Four doors open on the outer hull on Deck 9 that allows the
heavy vehicles to depart first and secure the perimeter. Four smaller ramps
then deploy from the upper deck and connect to the lower deck ramps to allow
the lighter vehicles to deploy. The entire unloading process takes as little
as four minutes with an experienced crew and is very simple. During the design
and shakedown cruises of the Alliance it never took longer than 7 minutes to
unload the entire vehicle battalion from the ship.
     Decks six, seven and eight hold the Infantry and Battle Armor troops. Two
infantry companies are housed on Deck six and Deck eight holds the remaining
infantry company and battle armor. These two decks are where the bunkrooms are
located for all the Infantry and BattleArmor. Deck seven  has the mess halls,
training rooms and recreation facilities. There are three methods that the
troops are deployed. The first is the most dangerous and difficult. The
Infantry and Battlearmor troopers are deployed similiar to Paratroopers. As
the ship slowly hovers forward the troopers jump from the ship and use
parachutes to land. The hot exhaust that rises around the ship causes each
parachute to briefly rise away from the ship before starting to drift down and
away from the ship. During trials with dummy troopers it was descovered that
the parachutes did not always drift far enough from the ship and were caught
in the engine exhaust and incinerated. This method is used only in the most
dire situations with no other options available. The second method of
deployment is by slidepole and is used immediately after the ship lands. Each
trooper wears a body harness that is attached to two lines which they connect
to a metal bar. A very long metal pole is deployed from the dropship to within
2 meters of the ground. The trooper attaches his bar to the pole and then
exits the ship, sliding down the pole very rapidly. Near the bottom the
hangbar hits a series of brakes built into the pole that slows the trooper
before he is released to the ground. The slidepole slowly swings in a back and
forth motion, deploying a trooper every 3 feet in a 21 foot arc. This ensures
the troops of each squad will not all end up in a very large pile at the
bottom of the slidepole. There is one of these slidepoles at each door the
infantry leave through and they deploy the infantry in a circle around the
ship. The third method is for normal embarkation and debarkation. The infantry
simply single file out through the two lower cargo doors. This method is the
safest and easiest.
     Deck five holds the ships twelve BattleMech berths. The 'Mechs can be
deployed in one of three methods. The first method is orbital insertion. This
is the same method used by earlier 'Mech Carriers like the Union and Overlord.
The 'Mechs are placed in a ceramic cocoon and dropped from orbit. Thge second
method is having the Mecgs exit the ship while it hovers above the dropzone.
This is the most common way to deploy the Mechs' into the combat zone. The
third method is for the 'Mechs to deploy once the ship is grounded. Two large
ramps lead to a set of doors on Deck 10 where the 'Mechs exit the ship.
     Deck four is the ships crew quarters, and they also house the crews
seperate mess and recreation facilities. These accomodation are said to be
some of the most comfortable in any dropship designed to date.
     Deck three houses the ships navigation equipment and  Deck two is where
the bridge is located. The bridge is fitted with a holographic display system
that enables the ground forces commander to control all the units he
     Deck one holds the three artillery systems the ships employs. These
systems are operated by remote from the bridge.

==Battle History:==
     This yet to see combat

     Two variants are currently being considered. The first replaces one heavy
and one light vehicle company with an additional company of BattleMechs. The
second replaces the company of BattleMechs with one heavy vehicle and one
light vehicle company. It is not known at this time weather either variant
will be produced as a full production model or on a case by case situation.

==Notable Vessels & Crews:==
Named Vessels:

     The first shipment of CAT dropships are to be delivered to the Davion
Guards, FedSuns Armored Cavalry, and the Crucis Lancers. Once these units are
outfitted the Avalon Hussars and Deneb Lt Cavalry are next. At least three of
these dropships are to be assigned to each RCT, but most will get between
three to six.

Class/Model/Name:  Alliance Class Dropship Mk VV CAT
Mass:              12,300 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass  
Power Plant, Drive & Control:                                        2,398.50
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 3
      Maximum Thrust: 5
Structural Integrity: 25                                               615.00
Total Heat Sinks:    458 Double                                        331.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                     408.00
Bridge, Controls, Radar, Computer & Attitude Thrusters:                 93.00
Fire Control Computers:                                                120.00
Food & Water:  (30 days supply)                                        207.00
Armor Type:  Standard  (1,540 total armor pts)                          90.00
                           Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Fore:                                405
   Left/Right Sides:                 405/405
   Aft:                                 325

   Bay 1:  BattleMechs (12) with 2 doors                             1,800.00
   Bay 2:  Heavy Vehicles (51-100T) (12) with 4 doors                1,200.00
           Light Vehicles (to 50T) (24)                              1,200.00
   Bay 3:  Infantry (motor) Platoons (36) with 9 doors                 252.00
           Battle Armor Points/Squads (12) with 4 doors                120.00
   Bay 4:  Fighters (2) with 1 door                                    300.00
           Small Craft (3) with 1 door                                 600.00
           Cargo (1) with 4 doors                                      381.50

Life Boats:  10 (7 tons each)                                           70.00
Escape Pods:  19 (7 tons each)                                         133.00

Crew and Passengers:
      8 Officers (7 minimum)                                            80.00
     14 Crew (0 minimum)                                                98.00
     25 Gunners (21 minimum)                                           175.00
  1,339 Bay Personnel                                                     .00
Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat    Mass
9 ER PPC                   Nose     9(90)  9(90)  9(90)     --  135     63.00
8 Gauss Rifle(224 rounds)  Nose   12(120)12(120)12(120)     --    8    148.00
3 AMS(240 rounds)          Nose        --     --     --     --    3     21.50
1 Long Tom Artillery(100 roNose     6(60)  6(60)  6(60)  6(60)   20     50.00
  2 Arrow IV System(150 rounds)                                  20     60.00
9 ER PPC                   FL/R     9(90)  9(90)  9(90)     --  270    126.00
8 Gauss Rifle(224 rounds)  FL/R   12(120)12(120)12(120)     --   16    296.00
3 AMS(240 rounds)          FL/R        --     --     --     --    6     43.00
9 ER PPC                   AL/R     9(90)  9(90)  9(90)     --  270    126.00
8 Gauss Rifle(224 rounds)  AL/R   12(120)12(120)12(120)     --   16    296.00
3 AMS(240 rounds)          AL/R        --     --     --     --    6     43.00
9 ER PPC                   Aft      9(90)  9(90)  9(90)     --  135     63.00
8 Gauss Rifle(224 rounds)  Aft    12(120)12(120)12(120)     --    8    148.00
3 AMS(240 rounds)          Aft         --     --     --     --    3     21.50
1 Lot Spare Parts (1.00%)                                              123.00
TOTALS:                                              Heat: 916      12,300.00
Tons Left:                                                                .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        1,550,768,800 C-Bills
Battle Value:      30,653
Cost per BV:       50,591.09
Weapon Value:      20,139 (Ratio = .66)
Damage Factors:    SRV = 1,240;  MRV = 945;  LRV = 367;  ERV = 3
Maintenance:       Maintenance Point Value (MPV) = 173,404
                   (67,624 Structure, 81,292 Life Support, 24,488 Weapons)
                   Support Points (SP) = 54,132  (31% of MPV)
BattleForce2:      MP: 3,  Armor/Structure: 26 / 25
                   Damage PB/M/L: 42/42/42,  Overheat: 0
                   Class: DL;  Point Value: 307
                   Specials: sph
Alliance Class Dropship Mk VV CAT.hma

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