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PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2014 1:43 am 
Commanding Officer, Battlestar Pax Terra
Commanding Officer, Battlestar Pax Terra

Joined: Thu Apr 15, 2004 5:20 pm
Posts: 998
Location: New Solaris : Sovereign_League
More or less a what if design to pass the time, thought it turned out well, and hopefully i avoaded the over tech talk as Dragon Cat pointed out to me on a few of my other designs lol, but any how it was a fun project and thought i would share, as all things requiered, even though the design is based on canon timeline period, the presented design would be used in my ABTU Project Beast clan, more than likely if it was done it would be limited to a a cadet training ship or something similiar.

Please comment if you have the time.
                        AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout

Class/Model/Name:  Black Tiger I class Battlecruiser Beast Clan Refit Projected.
Tech:              Inner Sphere / 2820
Vessel Type:       WarShip
Rules:             Level 2, Standard design
Rules Set:         AeroTech2

Mass:              720,000 tons
K-F Drive System:  (Unknown)
Length:            743 meters
Sail Diameter:     1,105 meters
Power Plant:       Standard
Safe Thrust:       3
Maximum Thrust:    5
Armor Type:        Lamellor Ferro-carbide
   32 NAC/20
   64 Light Gauss Rifle
   64 Rotary AC/5
   32 ER Large Laser
   32 AMS
    8 Killer Whale
    8 White Shark
new innovations like docking collars became commonly available.
This would lead to attempts to replace the Black Lion with newer
designs like the Quixote-class, yet these original Black Lions would
continue to serve for years to come.
Ultimately, the need for more modern heavy cruisers led to
the decision to refit the more numerous and advanced Aegis-class
ships, and the original first-block Black Lions finally passed into
mothballs, with most sold to the Great Houses in the lead up to the
Reunification War. Here, these venerable ships served well, but many
were returned to mothballs during the Golden Age as the Great
House navies streamlined and modernized their assets. Most would
be stripped for their germanium cores, though a few would remain
to see service in the Succession Wars.
The legacy of the original Black Lions did not end with the
scrapyards, however. In the 2600s, Boeing Interstellar introduced
a new Black Lion-class for the Star League Navy, based in no small
part on the original ship’s specs. This larger version, which sported
heavier armor and weaponry as well as the ability to transport
supporting DropShips, would build a reputation that eventually
eclipsed that of its predecessor.
After the success of the Dreadnought-class, Admiral McKenna
felt that his new Terran Hegemony required vessels more mobile
and affordable to supplement its battleships. While the Dart-class
cruisers arguably already filled this role, the admiral wanted more.
Legend has it that Admiral McKenna designed the Black Lion
himself. While there is little doubt that McKenna knew ships, it
was mainly the skill of the Hegemony design teams that made it
possible to add the multitude of features McKenna requested into
a single, living WarShip. In an effort to keep costs down, the original
Black Lions hared a large number of components in common with
the Dreadnought.
In service, the Black Lion defined the very nature of the
Hegemony battle cruiser. Massing more than contemporary
cruisers, it served as a command asset for cruiser squadrons, and as
a scouting wing for battleships. Admiral McKenna himself would use
the lead ship as his flagship, preferring its maneuverability over the
Dreadnought. As a class, these first Black Lions dated quickly, when
new innovations like docking collars became commonly available.
This would lead to attempts to replace the Black Lion with newer
designs like the Quixote-class, yet these original Black Lions would
continue to serve for years to come.
Ultimately, the need for more modern heavy cruisers led to
the decision to refit the more numerous and advanced Aegis-class
ships, and the original first-block Black Lions finally passed into
mothballs, with most sold to the Great Houses in the lead up to the
Reunification War. Here, these venerable ships served well, but many
were returned to mothballs during the Golden Age as the Great
House navies streamlined and modernized their assets. Most would
be stripped for their germanium cores, though a few would remain
to see service in the Succession Wars.
The legacy of the original Black Lions did not end with the
scrapyards, however. In the 2600s, Boeing Interstellar introduced
a new Black Lion-class for the Star League Navy, based in no small
part on the original ship’s specs. This larger version, which sported
heavier armor and weaponry as well as the ability to transport
supporting DropShips, would build a reputation that eventually
eclipsed that of its predecessor.

 A what if variant that was designed in the spare time of a dedicate core
group of designers that was part of the original Star League Design Group in
charge of theoretical refits of older vessels to modern standards and possible
future standards as projected at the time.

 Ships armor and Internal Structure was beefed up in order to provide adequate
protection both from warships but the ever increasing fighter threat.

 Due to the inherent difficulties faced with refit a pre hard-point design and
totally redesigning and refitting of a new KF core to carry dropships, the
design team dropped the idea of adding dropships in favor of adding 36
fighters to compliment it's present load out of 24 Small Craft, which leads to
some varied capabilities not normally found on cruisers of this tonnage, and
could double as a light carrier if needed.

 The Capitol weapons lay is relatively unchanged in the NAC's, the main
problem addressed was the inadequate ammo bins being increased to 100 rounds
per NAC. 

Next the Capital Missiles was addressed, the current triple battery’s of Whit
Sharks was reduced to Double Bays and then was reinforced with double bays of
Barracuda missile launchers in order to provide more accurate AAA or ADS fire
against more nimble targets, the retention of the White Sharks would also
allow the design to retain nuclear stand off capability if needed.

the last items refitted was the massed conventional AC Bays, the AC/5's was
replaced with quad Light Gauss Rifles that while massing more provided heavier
firepower all the way to extreme range if needed, the AC/2's was replaced with
quad RAC/5's along with enough ammo for sustained fire, as a back up a quad
bay of ER Large Lasers was refitted into each firing arc to provide a non ammo
weapon in case of ammo depletion  or damage to the LGR's and RAC's.

 The last item added to the refit was Quad turrets of AMS's to deal with both
conventional and nuclear missiles as the last line of defense. 

Class/Model/Name:  Black Tiger I class Battlecruiser Beast Clan Refit Projected.
Mass:              720,000 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass  
Power Plant, Drive & Control:                                      129,600.00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 3
      Maximum Thrust: 5
Kearny-Fuchida Hyperdrive:  Compact (Integrity = 15)               325,800.00
Jump Sail: (Integrity = 4)                                              66.00
Structural Integrity: 80                                            57,600.00
Total Heat Sinks:    1,550 Double                                      996.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                   4,080.00
Bridge, Controls, Radar, Computer & Attitude Thrusters:              1,800.00
Fire Control Computers:                                              8,376.00
Food & Water:  (321 days supply)                                     1,472.00
Hyperpulse Generator:                                                   50.00
Armor Type:  Lamellor Ferro-carbide  (1,200 total armor pts)         1,152.00
                           Capital Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Fore:                                220
   Fore-Left/Right:                  200/200
   Aft-Left/Right:                   200/200
   Aft:                                 180

   Bay 1:  Cargo (1) with 2 doors                                   73,000.00
   Bay 2:  Small Craft (12) with 2 doors                             2,400.00
   Bay 3:  Small Craft (12) with 2 doors                             2,400.00
   Bay 4:  Fighters (36) with 4 doors                                5,400.00

Grav Decks #1 - 2:  (150-meter diameter)                               200.00
Life Boats:  80 (7 tons each)                                          560.00
Escape Pods:  80 (7 tons each)                                         560.00

Crew and Passengers:
     70 Officers                                                       700.00
    250 Crew                                                         1,750.00
     80 Gunners                                                        560.00
     20 1st Class Passengers                                           200.00
     50 2nd Class Passengers                                           350.00
     56 Marine Battle Armor Troopers/Elementals                        392.00
    200 Bay Crew                                                     1,000.00
    192 Bay Personnel                                                     .00
Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat    Mass
3 NAC/20(300 rounds)       Nose        60     60     60     --  180  7,620.00
3 NAC/20(300 rounds)       Nose        60     60     60     --  180  7,620.00
4 Light Gauss Rifle(128 rouNose     3(32)  3(32)  3(32)  3(32)    4     56.00
4 Light Gauss Rifle(128 rouNose     3(32)  3(32)  3(32)  3(32)    4     56.00
4 Rotary AC/5(480 rounds)  Nose     8(80)  8(80)     --     --   24     64.00
4 Rotary AC/5(480 rounds)  Nose     8(80)  8(80)     --     --   24     64.00
4 ER Large Laser           Nose     3(32)  3(32)  3(32)     --   48     20.00
4 AMS(4800 rounds)         Nose        --     --     --     --    4    402.00
2 NAC/20(200 rounds)       FL/R        40     40     40     --  240 10,160.00
2 Killer Whale(30 msls)    FL/R        14     14     14     14   80  3,600.00
  2 White Shark(30 msls)                                         60  2,880.00
4 Light Gauss Rifle(128 rouFL/R     3(32)  3(32)  3(32)  3(32)    8    112.00
4 Light Gauss Rifle(128 rouFL/R     3(32)  3(32)  3(32)  3(32)    8    112.00
4 Rotary AC/5(480 rounds)  FL/R     8(80)  8(80)     --     --   48    128.00
4 Rotary AC/5(480 rounds)  FL/R     8(80)  8(80)     --     --   48    128.00
4 ER Large Laser           FL/R     3(32)  3(32)  3(32)     --   96     40.00
4 AMS(4800 rounds)         FL/R        --     --     --     --    8    804.00
3 NAC/20(300 rounds)       L/RBS       60     60     60     --  360 15,240.00
3 NAC/20(300 rounds)       L/RBS       60     60     60     --  360 15,240.00
4 Light Gauss Rifle(128 rouL/RBS    3(32)  3(32)  3(32)  3(32)    8    112.00
4 Light Gauss Rifle(128 rouL/RBS    3(32)  3(32)  3(32)  3(32)    8    112.00
4 Rotary AC/5(480 rounds)  L/RBS    8(80)  8(80)     --     --   48    128.00
4 Rotary AC/5(480 rounds)  L/RBS    8(80)  8(80)     --     --   48    128.00
4 ER Large Laser           L/RBS    3(32)  3(32)  3(32)     --   96     40.00
4 AMS(4800 rounds)         L/RBS       --     --     --     --    8    804.00
2 NAC/20(200 rounds)       AL/R        40     40     40     --  240 10,160.00
2 Killer Whale(30 msls)    AL/R        14     14     14     14   80  3,600.00
  2 White Shark(30 msls)                                         60  2,880.00
4 Light Gauss Rifle(128 rouAL/R     3(32)  3(32)  3(32)  3(32)    8    112.00
4 Light Gauss Rifle(128 rouAL/R     3(32)  3(32)  3(32)  3(32)    8    112.00
4 Rotary AC/5(480 rounds)  AL/R     8(80)  8(80)     --     --   48    128.00
4 Rotary AC/5(480 rounds)  AL/R     8(80)  8(80)     --     --   48    128.00
4 ER Large Laser           AL/R     3(32)  3(32)  3(32)     --   48     40.00
4 AMS(4800 rounds)         AL/R        --     --     --     --    4    804.00
3 NAC/20(300 rounds)       Aft         60     60     60     --  180  7,620.00
3 NAC/20(300 rounds)       Aft         60     60     60     --  180  7,620.00
4 Light Gauss Rifle(128 rouAft      3(32)  3(32)  3(32)  3(32)    4     56.00
4 Light Gauss Rifle(128 rouAft      3(32)  3(32)  3(32)  3(32)    4     56.00
4 Rotary AC/5(480 rounds)  Aft      8(80)  8(80)     --     --   24     64.00
4 Rotary AC/5(480 rounds)  Aft      8(80)  8(80)     --     --   24     64.00
4 ER Large Laser           Aft      3(32)  3(32)  3(32)     --   48     20.00
4 AMS(4800 rounds)         Aft         --     --     --     --    4    402.00
TOTALS:                                            Heat: 3,064     720,000.00
Tons Left:                                                                .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        4,614,880,000 C-Bills
Battle Value:      212,818
Cost per BV:       21,684.63
Weapon Value:      100,113 (Ratio = .47)
Damage Factors:    SRV = 8,345;  MRV = 7,859;  LRV = 5,245;  ERV = 1,940
Maintenance:       Maintenance Point Value (MPV) = 494,290
                   (74,142 Structure, 208,080 Life Support, 212,068 Weapons)
                   Support Points (SP) = 464,790  (94% of MPV)
BattleForce2:      Not applicable

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Admiral S.G. Corsair, Commanding Officer of the Sovereign League 1st Sovereign Guard Naval Group

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