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 Post subject: Canon Redux: Mjolnir
PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 4:23 pm 
Commanding General
Commanding General

Joined: Fri Apr 05, 2002 8:00 pm
Posts: 1928
Location: At the base of America's Mountain
Minor changes to this one. Heavy NPPC replaced by Mediums. Armor raised slightly. Ammo capacity of most weapons increased. Secondary weapons have been changed somewhat drastically. Heat sinks have been nearly tripled. Cargo tonnage has been increased to decrease reliance on cargo dropships.
                    AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout

Class/Model/Name:  Mjolnir (Battlecruiser) [Block II]
Tech:              Inner Sphere / 3081
Vessel Type:       WarShip
Rules:             Level 2, Modified design
Rules Set:         AeroTech2

Mass:              1,350,000 tons
K-F Drive System:  (Unknown)
Length:            960 meters
Sail Diameter:     1,150 meters
Power Plant:       Standard
Safe Thrust:       4
Maximum Thrust:    6
Armor Type:        Ferro-carbide
   10 NAC/30
   16 Medium NPPC
   12 AR10 Launcher
   32 LRM 15+ArtIV
   32 AMS
    6 Heavy N-Gauss
   32 LB 10-X AC
    8 NAC/40
Manufacturer:   Port Sydney Naval Shipyards
  Location:     Alarion
==Notable Vessels & Crews:==
Lyran Commonwealth:
LCS Gotterdamerung [3081]
LCS Ragnarok [3084]

Class/Model/Name:  Mjolnir (Battlecruiser) [Block II]
Mass:              1,350,000 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass  
Power Plant, Drive & Control:                                      324,000.00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 4
      Maximum Thrust: 6
Kearny-Fuchida Hyperdrive:  Compact (Integrity = 26)               610,875.00
Jump Sail: (Integrity = 6)                                              98.00
Structural Integrity: 140                                          189,000.00
Total Heat Sinks:    2,300 Double                                    1,451.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                   3,060.00
Bridge, Controls, Radar, Computer & Attitude Thrusters:              3,375.00
Fire Control Computers:                                                   .00
Food & Water:  (180 days supply)                                       460.00
Armor Type:  Ferro-carbide  (2,930 total armor pts)                  3,557.00
                           Capital Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Fore:                                510
   Fore-Left/Right:                  480/480
   Aft-Left/Right:                   480/480
   Aft:                                 500

   Bay 1:  Fighters (18) with 4 doors                                2,700.00
   Bay 2:  Fighters (18) with 4 doors                                2,700.00
   Bay 3:  Cargo (1) with 1 door                                    17,142.00

DropShip Capacity:  4 Docking Hardpoints                             4,000.00
Grav Deck #1:  (135-meter diameter)                                    100.00
Life Boats:  35 (7 tons each)                                          245.00
Escape Pods:  35 (7 tons each)                                         245.00

Crew and Passengers:
     70 Officers (68 minimum)                                       17,150.00
    249 Crew (245 minimum)                                           1,743.00
     80 Gunners (68 minimum)                                           560.00
     40 Marine Battle Armor Troopers/Elementals                        280.00
     72 Bay Personnel                                                     .00
Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat    Mass
2 NAC/30(50 rounds)        Nose        60     60     60     --  200  7,040.00
2 Medium NPPC              Nose        18     18     18     18  270  3,600.00
2 AR10 (8 KW, 12 WS, 12 B) Nose         *      *      *      *   40  1,740.00
4 LRM 15+ArtIV(160 rounds) Nose     5(48)  5(48)  5(48)     --   20     52.00
4 AMS(192 rounds)          Nose        --     --     --     --    4     18.00
2 Heavy N-Gauss(50 rounds) Nose        60     60     60     60   36 14,025.00
4 LB 10-X AC(160 rounds)   Nose     2(24)  2(24)     --     --    8     60.00
1 NAC/30(25 rounds)        FL/R        30     30     30     --  200  7,040.00
2 Medium NPPC              FL/R        18     18     18     18  540  7,200.00
2 AR10 (8 KW, 12 WS, 12 B) FL/R         *      *      *      *   80  3,480.00
1 NAC/40(25 rounds)        FL/R        40     40     --     --  270  9,060.00
4 LRM 15+ArtIV(160 rounds) FL/R     5(48)  5(48)  5(48)     --   40    104.00
4 LB 10-X AC(160 rounds)   FL/R     2(24)  2(24)     --     --   16    120.00
4 AMS(192 rounds)          FL/R        --     --     --     --    8     36.00
2 NAC/30(50 rounds)        L/RBS       60     60     60     --  400 14,080.00
1 NAC/40(25 rounds)        L/RBS       40     40     --     --  270  9,060.00
1 NAC/40(10 rounds)        L/RBS       40     40     --     --  270  9,024.00
2 Medium NPPC              L/RBS       18     18     18     18  540  7,200.00
4 LRM 15+ArtIV(160 rounds) L/RBS    5(48)  5(48)  5(48)     --   40    104.00
4 AMS(192 rounds)          L/RBS       --     --     --     --    8     36.00
1 Heavy N-Gauss(25 rounds) L/RBS       30     30     30     30   36 14,026.00
4 LB 10-X AC(160 rounds)   L/RBS    2(24)  2(24)     --     --   16    120.00
2 Medium NPPC              AL/R        18     18     18     18  540  7,200.00
2 AR10 (8 KW, 12 WS, 12 B) AL/R         *      *      *      *   80  3,480.00
1 NAC/40(25 rounds)        AL/R        40     40     --     --  270  9,060.00
4 LRM 15+ArtIV(160 rounds) AL/R     5(48)  5(48)  5(48)     --   40    104.00
4 LB 10-X AC(160 rounds)   AL/R     2(24)  2(24)     --     --   16    120.00
4 AMS(192 rounds)          AL/R        --     --     --     --    8     36.00
1 Heavy N-Gauss(25 rounds) AL/R        30     30     30     30   36 14,026.00
2 NAC/30(50 rounds)        Aft         60     60     60     --  200  7,040.00
2 Medium NPPC              Aft         18     18     18     18  270  3,600.00
2 AR10 (8 KW, 12 WS, 12 B) Aft          *      *      *      *   40  1,740.00
4 LRM 15+ArtIV(160 rounds) Aft      5(48)  5(48)  5(48)     --   20     52.00
4 AMS(192 rounds)          Aft         --     --     --     --    4     18.00
4 LB 10-X AC(160 rounds)   Aft      2(24)  2(24)     --     --    8     60.00
1 Lot Spare Parts (1.00%)                                           13,500.00
TOTALS:                                            Heat: 4,844   1,350,000.00
Tons Left:                                                                .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        7,358,346,000 C-Bills
Battle Value:      263,094
Cost per BV:       27,968.51
Weapon Value:      164,406 (Ratio = .62)
Damage Factors:    SRV = 9,220;  MRV = 9,030;  LRV = 6,905;  ERV = 1,814
Maintenance:       Maintenance Point Value (MPV) = 872,791
                   (203,883 Structure, 410,638 Life Support, 258,270 Weapons)
                   Support Points (SP) = 464,002  (53% of MPV)
BattleForce2:      Not applicable

Edit: Swapped Heavy Gauss rifles for LB 10-X. Weight savings went to cargo.

[b][color=#BC851A]Wielder of the Ferro-Carbide Bat of Doom™[/color][/b]
[color=#400080][i]I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.[/i] - Confucius[/color]
[img]http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a199/ ... ng/EI3.png[/img]

Last edited by St33lf4ng on Tue Nov 03, 2015 6:15 am, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: Canon Redux: Mjolnir
PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 6:06 pm 
Antisocial General
Antisocial General

Joined: Mon Mar 17, 2003 8:35 am
Posts: 7883
Location: MLC, Lyran Alliance.
BIG SCARY SHIP! little bitty cargo bay.

Yeah, that was always a major drawback of the Mjolnir, and a lot of other ships from that generation of the canon as well. I suppose it was a pendulum swing from the Star League designs that you could fit a whole corvette in the cargo bay.

The HGR's with their retro-rocket rounds made me laugh. I would think that the Lyrans would probably freak out at the Thera and want to come up with more powerful anti-fighter weaponry, maybe even build their own Mjolnir-based super SUPER carrier! A fighter and anti-fighter arms race in the western Inner Sphere...

Be careful what you wish for. I might let you have it. :evil:

 Post subject: Re: Canon Redux: Mjolnir
PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 6:13 am 
Commanding General
Commanding General

Joined: Fri Apr 05, 2002 8:00 pm
Posts: 1928
Location: At the base of America's Mountain
Here's a a carrier version of the Mjolnir, which has had its speed decreased to carry the fighters, marines and plenty of cargo for the fighters. Fighters carried is the same as the Thera, but there are 48 battle armor squads carried for deployment as assault forces. Two dropships have been dropped and secondary armament has been increased. Armor has been increased slightly.
                    AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout

Class/Model/Name:  Mjolnir (Heavy Carrier) 
Tech:              Inner Sphere / 3085
Vessel Type:       WarShip
Rules:             Level 2, Modified design
Rules Set:         AeroTech2

Mass:              1,350,000 tons
K-F Drive System:  (Unknown)
Length:            960 meters
Sail Diameter:     1,150 meters
Power Plant:       Standard
Safe Thrust:       3
Maximum Thrust:    5
Armor Type:        Ferro-carbide
   16 NAC/30
    8 Heavy NPPC
   12 AR10 Launcher
   32 LB 10-X AC
   32 ER Large Laser
   32 ER Medium Laser
   32 Large Pulse Laser
   32 Medium Pulse Laser
    8 Screen Launcher
   32 AMS
    8 Medium NPPC
    4 NAC/40
Manufacturer:   Port Sydney Naval Shipyards
  Location:     Alarion
==Notable Vessels & Crews:==
Lyran Commonwealth:

LCS Brisingamen [3085]
LCS Jormungandr [3088]

Class/Model/Name:  Mjolnir (Heavy Carrier) 
Mass:              1,350,000 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass  
Power Plant, Drive & Control:                                      243,000.00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 3
      Maximum Thrust: 5
Kearny-Fuchida Hyperdrive:  Compact (Integrity = 26)               610,875.00
Jump Sail: (Integrity = 6)                                              98.00
Structural Integrity: 140                                          189,000.00
Total Heat Sinks:    3,100 Double                                    2,358.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                   4,080.00
Bridge, Controls, Radar, Computer & Attitude Thrusters:              3,375.00
Fire Control Computers:                                             11,660.00
Food & Water:  (180 days supply)                                     1,180.00
Armor Type:  Ferro-carbide  (2,925 total armor pts)                  3,551.00
                           Capital Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Fore:                                515
   Fore-Left/Right:                  480/480
   Aft-Left/Right:                   480/480
   Aft:                                 490

   Bay 1:  Fighters (108) with 4 doors                              16,200.00
           Small Craft (12)                                          2,400.00
   Bay 2:  Fighters (108) with 4 doors                              16,200.00
           Small Craft (12)                                          2,400.00
   Bay 3:  Battle Armor Points/Squads (48)                             480.00
   Bay 4:  Cargo (1) with 1 door                                    77,975.00

DropShip Capacity:  2 Docking Hardpoints                             2,000.00
Grav Decks #1 - 2:  (135-meter diameter)                               200.00
Life Boats:  40 (7 tons each)                                          280.00
Escape Pods:  60 (7 tons each)                                         420.00

Crew and Passengers:
     78 Officers (72 minimum)                                       19,110.00
    250 Crew (237 minimum)                                           1,750.00
    100 Gunners (88 minimum)                                           700.00
     40 Marine Battle Armor Troopers/Elementals                        280.00
    840 Bay Personnel                                                     .00
Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat    Mass
2 NAC/30(50 rounds)        Nose        60     60     60     --  200  7,040.00
2 Heavy NPPC               Nose        30     30     30     30  450  6,000.00
2 AR10 (12 KW, 12 WS, 8 B) Nose         *      *      *      *   40  1,820.00
4 LB 10-X AC(200 rounds)   Nose     2(24)  2(24)     --     --    8     64.00
4 ER Large Laser           Nose     5(52)  5(52)  3(32)     --   48     20.00
  4 ER Medium Laser                                              20      4.00
4 Large Pulse Laser        Nose     6(60)  4(36)     --     --   40     28.00
  4 Medium Pulse Laser                                           16      8.00
1 Screen Launcher(12 scrns)Nose        --     --     --     --   10    160.00
4 AMS(240 rounds)          Nose        --     --     --     --    4     22.00
2 NAC/30(50 rounds)        FL/R         *      *      *      *  400 14,080.00
0 AR10 (12 B)                                                     0    720.00
2 AR10 (12 KW, 12 WS, 8 B) FL/R         *      *      *      *   80  3,640.00
4 LB 10-X AC(200 rounds)   FL/R     2(24)  2(24)     --     --   16    128.00
4 ER Large Laser           FL/R     5(52)  5(52)  3(32)     --   96     40.00
  4 ER Medium Laser                                              40      8.00
4 Large Pulse Laser        FL/R     6(60)  4(36)     --     --   80     56.00
  4 Medium Pulse Laser                                           32     16.00
1 Screen Launcher(12 scrns)FL/R        --     --     --     --   20    320.00
4 AMS(240 rounds)          FL/R        --     --     --     --    8     44.00
2 NAC/30(50 rounds)        L/RBS       60     60     60     --  400 14,080.00
1 NAC/40(25 rounds)        L/RBS       40     40     --     --  270  9,060.00
1 NAC/40(25 rounds)        L/RBS       40     40     --     --  270  9,060.00
2 Heavy NPPC               L/RBS       30     30     30     30  900 12,000.00
4 LB 10-X AC(200 rounds)   L/RBS    2(24)  2(24)     --     --   16    128.00
4 ER Large Laser           L/RBS    5(52)  5(52)  3(32)     --   96     40.00
  4 ER Medium Laser                                              40      8.00
4 Large Pulse Laser        L/RBS    6(60)  4(36)     --     --   80     56.00
  4 Medium Pulse Laser                                           32     16.00
1 Screen Launcher(12 scrns)L/RBS       --     --     --     --   20    320.00
4 AMS(240 rounds)          L/RBS       --     --     --     --    8     44.00
2 NAC/30(50 rounds)        AL/R        60     60     60     --  400 14,080.00
2 Medium NPPC              AL/R        18     18     18     18  540  7,200.00
2 AR10 (12 KW, 12 WS, 8 B) AL/R         *      *      *      *   80  3,640.00
4 LB 10-X AC(200 rounds)   AL/R     2(24)  2(24)     --     --   16    128.00
4 ER Large Laser           AL/R     5(52)  5(52)  3(32)     --   96     40.00
  4 ER Medium Laser                                              40      8.00
4 Large Pulse Laser        AL/R     6(60)  4(36)     --     --   80     56.00
  4 Medium Pulse Laser                                           32     16.00
1 Screen Launcher(12 scrns)AL/R        --     --     --     --   20    320.00
4 AMS(240 rounds)          AL/R        --     --     --     --    8     44.00
2 NAC/30(50 rounds)        Aft         60     60     60     --  200  7,040.00
2 Heavy NPPC               Aft         30     30     30     30  450  6,000.00
2 AR10 (12 KW, 12 WS, 8 B) Aft          *      *      *      *   40  1,820.00
4 LB 10-X AC(200 rounds)   Aft      2(24)  2(24)     --     --    8     64.00
4 ER Large Laser           Aft      5(52)  5(52)  3(32)     --   48     20.00
  4 ER Medium Laser                                              20      4.00
4 Large Pulse Laser        Aft      6(60)  4(36)     --     --   40     28.00
  4 Medium Pulse Laser                                           16      8.00
1 Screen Launcher(12 scrns)Aft         --     --     --     --   10    160.00
4 AMS(240 rounds)          Aft         --     --     --     --    4     22.00
1 Lot Spare Parts (1.00%)                                           13,500.00
TOTALS:                                            Heat: 6,428   1,350,000.00
Tons Left:                                                                .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        5,090,060,000 C-Bills
Battle Value:      234,160
Cost per BV:       21,737.53
Weapon Value:      157,250 (Ratio = .67)
Damage Factors:    SRV = 8,866;  MRV = 8,459;  LRV = 6,199;  ERV = 1,956
Maintenance:       Maintenance Point Value (MPV) = 860,250
                   (237,086 Structure, 369,488 Life Support, 253,676 Weapons)
                   Support Points (SP) = 503,950  (59% of MPV)
BattleForce2:      Not applicable

[b][color=#BC851A]Wielder of the Ferro-Carbide Bat of Doom™[/color][/b]
[color=#400080][i]I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.[/i] - Confucius[/color]
[img]http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a199/ ... ng/EI3.png[/img]

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