hey Rick,
A, to have the Sprint MP be displayed on HMPro Main Screen, i recommend:
1, having "Engine supercharger" selection be moved upwards just to the right of "Movement & Engine:"
2, replacing on Armor & Structure screen "Critical slot limits" & "Fractional Accounting" & "Blue Shield (Unbound)" with a new "Miscellaneous" selection list (that has down arrow square) that has those 3 listed for selection(s) along with "Null Signature System" from Main Screen as a selection in that Miscellaneous list on Armor & Structure screen along with new selections for said Miscellaneous list such as "Chameleon Light Polariztion Shield", "Void Signature System" (both are from TO) and others so that Miscellaneous list is just underneat "Gyro type"
3, and then moving "Jump MP" selection downwards to where "Engine supercharger" and "Null Signature System" selections used to be on Main Screen
B, after you have this new Miscellaneous list on Armor & Distribution screen, place underneath Miscellaneous list a new selections list of "Design Quirks" that has down arrow square
C, and repeat steps 1 & 3 for HMVee Main Screen so that Tactical Operations Overdrive MP can be displayed and repeat step B for HMVee
D, have on HMAero Armor, Crew, and Cargo screen just above "Add" Rectangle selection a selection for new Design Quirks list selection with down arrow button
E, and on HMPro Main screen, a selection of AirMech and aerspace fighter MPs option also when possible
thanks Rick