Decided to see what I could do to update the Monsoon battleship.
So I cut down the cargo capacity upped the armour and re-arranged the armament giving it standard weaponry. Kept the armour similar to the Mjolnir battlecruiser as I didn't want to produce a innersphere Leviathan 2.
AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout
Class/Model/Name: Monsoon 2 Class Battleship
Tech: Inner Sphere / 3132
Vessel Type: WarShip
Rules: Level 3, Standard design
Rules Set: AeroTech2
Mass: 1,310,000 tons
K-F Drive System: (Unknown)
Length: 1,108 meters
Sail Diameter: 1,400 meters
Power Plant: Standard
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Armor Type: Lamellor Ferro-carbide
16 AR10 Launcher
36 Medium NPPC
12 NAC/25
12 NAC/35
12 Screen Launcher
36 Gauss Rifle
48 ER Large Laser
48 ER Medium Laser
40 Large Pulse Laser
48 Medium Pulse Laser
80 Laser AMS
Class/Model/Name: Monsoon 2 Class Battleship
Mass: 1,310,000 tons
Equipment: Mass
Power Plant, Drive & Control: 235,800.00
Thrust: Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Kearny-Fuchida Hyperdrive: Compact (Integrity = 26) 592,775.00
Lithium Fusion Battery 13,100.00
Jump Sail: (Integrity = 6) 96.00
Structural Integrity: 121 158,510.00
Total Heat Sinks: 3,164 Double 2,433.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 3,060.00
Bridge, Controls, Radar, Computer & Attitude Thrusters: 3,275.00
Fire Control Computers: 30,904.00
Food & Water: (90 days supply) 266.00
Armor Type: Lamellor Ferro-carbide (3,221 total armor pts) 3,149.00
Capital Scale Armor Pts
Location: L / R
Fore: 602
Fore-Left/Right: 526/526
Aft-Left/Right: 526/526
Aft: 515
Bay 1: Fighters (20) with 2 doors 3,000.00
Bay 2: Small Craft (8) with 2 doors 1,600.00
Bay 3: Cargo (1) with 2 doors 53,529.00
DropShip Capacity: 6 Docking Hardpoints 6,000.00
Grav Deck #1: (95-meter diameter) 50.00
Grav Deck #2: (55-meter diameter) 50.00
Grav Deck #3: (65-meter diameter) 50.00
Life Boats: 32 (7 tons each) 224.00
Escape Pods: 32 (7 tons each) 224.00
Crew and Passengers:
82 Officers (79 minimum) 820.00
225 Crew (225 minimum) 1,575.00
140 Gunners (138 minimum) 980.00
64 Marine Battle Armor Troopers/Elementals 448.00
80 Bay Personnel .00
Weapons and Equipment Loc SRV MRV LRV ERV Heat Mass
4 AR10 (40 KW, 40 WS, 40 B)Nose * * * * 80 5,800.00
6 Medium NPPC Nose 54 54 54 54 810 10,800.00
2 NAC/25(30 rounds) Nose 50 50 50 -- 170 6,018.00
2 NAC/35(30 rounds) Nose 70 70 -- -- 240 8,030.00
2 Screen Launcher(20 scrns)Nose -- -- -- -- 20 280.00
6 Gauss Rifle(120 rounds) Nose 9(90) 9(90) 9(90) -- 6 105.00
6 ER Large Laser Nose 8(78) 8(78) 5(48) -- 72 30.00
6 ER Medium Laser 30 6.00
5 Large Pulse Laser Nose 8(81) 5(45) -- -- 50 35.00
6 Medium Pulse Laser 24 12.00
10 Laser AMS Nose -- -- -- -- 120 15.00
2 AR10 (40 KW, 40 WS, 40 B)FL/R * * * * 80 10,600.00
6 Medium NPPC FL/R 54 54 54 54 1620 21,600.00
2 NAC/25(30 rounds) FL/R 50 50 50 -- 340 12,036.00
2 NAC/35(30 rounds) FL/R 70 70 -- -- 480 16,060.00
2 Screen Launcher(20 scrns)FL/R -- -- -- -- 40 560.00
6 Gauss Rifle(120 rounds) FL/R 9(90) 9(90) 9(90) -- 12 210.00
6 ER Large Laser FL/R 8(78) 8(78) 5(48) -- 144 60.00
6 ER Medium Laser 60 12.00
5 Large Pulse Laser FL/R 8(81) 5(45) -- -- 100 70.00
6 Medium Pulse Laser 48 24.00
10 Laser AMS FL/R -- -- -- -- 240 30.00
6 ER Large Laser L/RBS 8(78) 8(78) 5(48) -- 144 60.00
6 ER Medium Laser 60 12.00
5 Large Pulse Laser L/RBS 8(81) 5(45) -- -- 100 70.00
6 Medium Pulse Laser 48 24.00
10 Laser AMS L/RBS -- -- -- -- 240 30.00
6 Medium NPPC AL/R 54 54 54 54 1620 21,600.00
2 NAC/25(30 rounds) AL/R 50 50 50 -- 340 12,036.00
2 AR10 (40 KW, 40 WS, 40 B)AL/R * * * * 80 10,600.00
2 NAC/35(30 rounds) AL/R 70 70 -- -- 480 16,060.00
2 Screen Launcher(20 scrns)AL/R -- -- -- -- 40 560.00
6 Gauss Rifle(120 rounds) AL/R 9(90) 9(90) 9(90) -- 12 210.00
6 ER Large Laser AL/R 8(78) 8(78) 5(48) -- 144 60.00
6 ER Medium Laser 60 12.00
5 Large Pulse Laser AL/R 8(81) 5(45) -- -- 100 70.00
6 Medium Pulse Laser 48 24.00
10 Laser AMS AL/R -- -- -- -- 240 30.00
4 AR10 (40 KW, 40 WS, 40 B)Aft * * * * 80 5,800.00
6 Medium NPPC Aft 54 54 54 54 810 10,800.00
2 NAC/25(30 rounds) Aft 50 50 50 -- 170 6,018.00
2 NAC/35(30 rounds) Aft 70 70 -- -- 240 8,030.00
2 Screen Launcher(20 scrns)Aft -- -- -- -- 20 280.00
6 Gauss Rifle(120 rounds) Aft 9(90) 9(90) 9(90) -- 6 105.00
6 ER Large Laser Aft 8(78) 8(78) 5(48) -- 72 30.00
6 ER Medium Laser 30 6.00
5 Large Pulse Laser Aft 8(81) 5(45) -- -- 50 35.00
6 Medium Pulse Laser 24 12.00
10 Laser AMS Aft -- -- -- -- 120 15.00
1 Lot Spare Parts (1.00%) 13,100.00
TOTALS: Heat: 10,164 1,310,000.00
Tons Left: .00
Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 20,902,946,000 C-Bills
Battle Value: 213,749
Cost per BV: 97,792.02
Weapon Value: 188,012 (Ratio = .88)
Damage Factors: SRV = 7,619; MRV = 7,052; LRV = 5,142; ERV = 1,218
Maintenance: Maintenance Point Value (MPV) = 842,253
(173,129 Structure, 324,628 Life Support, 344,496 Weapons)
Support Points (SP) = 997,425 (118% of MPV)
BattleForce2: Not applicable