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PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 7:44 pm 
Lieutenant, JG
Lieutenant, JG

Joined: Sun Nov 27, 2005 3:16 pm
Posts: 149
Location: Ayr, Scotland uk.
Decided to see what I could do to update the Monsoon battleship.
So I cut down the cargo capacity upped the armour and re-arranged the armament giving it standard weaponry. Kept the armour similar to the Mjolnir battlecruiser as I didn't want to produce a innersphere Leviathan 2.
                    AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout

Class/Model/Name:  Monsoon 2 Class Battleship 
Tech:              Inner Sphere / 3132
Vessel Type:       WarShip
Rules:             Level 3, Standard design
Rules Set:         AeroTech2

Mass:              1,310,000 tons
K-F Drive System:  (Unknown)
Length:            1,108 meters
Sail Diameter:     1,400 meters
Power Plant:       Standard
Safe Thrust:       3
Maximum Thrust:    5
Armor Type:        Lamellor Ferro-carbide
   16 AR10 Launcher
   36 Medium NPPC
   12 NAC/25
   12 NAC/35
   12 Screen Launcher
   36 Gauss Rifle
   48 ER Large Laser
   48 ER Medium Laser
   40 Large Pulse Laser
   48 Medium Pulse Laser
   80 Laser AMS
Class/Model/Name:  Monsoon 2 Class Battleship 
Mass:              1,310,000 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass  
Power Plant, Drive & Control:                                      235,800.00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 3
      Maximum Thrust: 5
Kearny-Fuchida Hyperdrive:  Compact (Integrity = 26)               592,775.00
Lithium Fusion Battery                                              13,100.00
Jump Sail: (Integrity = 6)                                              96.00
Structural Integrity: 121                                          158,510.00
Total Heat Sinks:    3,164 Double                                    2,433.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                   3,060.00
Bridge, Controls, Radar, Computer & Attitude Thrusters:              3,275.00
Fire Control Computers:                                             30,904.00
Food & Water:  (90 days supply)                                        266.00
Armor Type:  Lamellor Ferro-carbide  (3,221 total armor pts)         3,149.00
                           Capital Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Fore:                                602
   Fore-Left/Right:                  526/526
   Aft-Left/Right:                   526/526
   Aft:                                 515

   Bay 1:  Fighters (20) with 2 doors                                3,000.00
   Bay 2:  Small Craft (8) with 2 doors                              1,600.00
   Bay 3:  Cargo (1) with 2 doors                                   53,529.00

DropShip Capacity:  6 Docking Hardpoints                             6,000.00
Grav Deck #1:  (95-meter diameter)                                      50.00
Grav Deck #2:  (55-meter diameter)                                      50.00
Grav Deck #3:  (65-meter diameter)                                      50.00
Life Boats:  32 (7 tons each)                                          224.00
Escape Pods:  32 (7 tons each)                                         224.00

Crew and Passengers:
     82 Officers (79 minimum)                                          820.00
    225 Crew (225 minimum)                                           1,575.00
    140 Gunners (138 minimum)                                          980.00
     64 Marine Battle Armor Troopers/Elementals                        448.00
     80 Bay Personnel                                                     .00
Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat    Mass
4 AR10 (40 KW, 40 WS, 40 B)Nose         *      *      *      *   80  5,800.00
6 Medium NPPC              Nose        54     54     54     54  810 10,800.00
2 NAC/25(30 rounds)        Nose        50     50     50     --  170  6,018.00
2 NAC/35(30 rounds)        Nose        70     70     --     --  240  8,030.00
2 Screen Launcher(20 scrns)Nose        --     --     --     --   20    280.00
6 Gauss Rifle(120 rounds)  Nose     9(90)  9(90)  9(90)     --    6    105.00
6 ER Large Laser           Nose     8(78)  8(78)  5(48)     --   72     30.00
  6 ER Medium Laser                                              30      6.00
5 Large Pulse Laser        Nose     8(81)  5(45)     --     --   50     35.00
  6 Medium Pulse Laser                                           24     12.00
10 Laser AMS               Nose        --     --     --     --  120     15.00
2 AR10 (40 KW, 40 WS, 40 B)FL/R         *      *      *      *   80 10,600.00
6 Medium NPPC              FL/R        54     54     54     54 1620 21,600.00
2 NAC/25(30 rounds)        FL/R        50     50     50     --  340 12,036.00
2 NAC/35(30 rounds)        FL/R        70     70     --     --  480 16,060.00
2 Screen Launcher(20 scrns)FL/R        --     --     --     --   40    560.00
6 Gauss Rifle(120 rounds)  FL/R     9(90)  9(90)  9(90)     --   12    210.00
6 ER Large Laser           FL/R     8(78)  8(78)  5(48)     --  144     60.00
  6 ER Medium Laser                                              60     12.00
5 Large Pulse Laser        FL/R     8(81)  5(45)     --     --  100     70.00
  6 Medium Pulse Laser                                           48     24.00
10 Laser AMS               FL/R        --     --     --     --  240     30.00
6 ER Large Laser           L/RBS    8(78)  8(78)  5(48)     --  144     60.00
  6 ER Medium Laser                                              60     12.00
5 Large Pulse Laser        L/RBS    8(81)  5(45)     --     --  100     70.00
  6 Medium Pulse Laser                                           48     24.00
10 Laser AMS               L/RBS       --     --     --     --  240     30.00
6 Medium NPPC              AL/R        54     54     54     54 1620 21,600.00
2 NAC/25(30 rounds)        AL/R        50     50     50     --  340 12,036.00
2 AR10 (40 KW, 40 WS, 40 B)AL/R         *      *      *      *   80 10,600.00
2 NAC/35(30 rounds)        AL/R        70     70     --     --  480 16,060.00
2 Screen Launcher(20 scrns)AL/R        --     --     --     --   40    560.00
6 Gauss Rifle(120 rounds)  AL/R     9(90)  9(90)  9(90)     --   12    210.00
6 ER Large Laser           AL/R     8(78)  8(78)  5(48)     --  144     60.00
  6 ER Medium Laser                                              60     12.00
5 Large Pulse Laser        AL/R     8(81)  5(45)     --     --  100     70.00
  6 Medium Pulse Laser                                           48     24.00
10 Laser AMS               AL/R        --     --     --     --  240     30.00
4 AR10 (40 KW, 40 WS, 40 B)Aft          *      *      *      *   80  5,800.00
6 Medium NPPC              Aft         54     54     54     54  810 10,800.00
2 NAC/25(30 rounds)        Aft         50     50     50     --  170  6,018.00
2 NAC/35(30 rounds)        Aft         70     70     --     --  240  8,030.00
2 Screen Launcher(20 scrns)Aft         --     --     --     --   20    280.00
6 Gauss Rifle(120 rounds)  Aft      9(90)  9(90)  9(90)     --    6    105.00
6 ER Large Laser           Aft      8(78)  8(78)  5(48)     --   72     30.00
  6 ER Medium Laser                                              30      6.00
5 Large Pulse Laser        Aft      8(81)  5(45)     --     --   50     35.00
  6 Medium Pulse Laser                                           24     12.00
10 Laser AMS               Aft         --     --     --     --  120     15.00
1 Lot Spare Parts (1.00%)                                           13,100.00
TOTALS:                                           Heat: 10,164   1,310,000.00
Tons Left:                                                                .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        20,902,946,000 C-Bills
Battle Value:      213,749
Cost per BV:       97,792.02
Weapon Value:      188,012 (Ratio = .88)
Damage Factors:    SRV = 7,619;  MRV = 7,052;  LRV = 5,142;  ERV = 1,218
Maintenance:       Maintenance Point Value (MPV) = 842,253
                   (173,129 Structure, 324,628 Life Support, 344,496 Weapons)
                   Support Points (SP) = 997,425  (118% of MPV)
BattleForce2:      Not applicable

all you need is speed, accuracy and firepower

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 11:15 pm 

Joined: Sat Nov 10, 2001 8:00 pm
Posts: 10855
Location: Ft. Hood Texas
This one I think would need to played out in several battle, looks good on paper...


Darkness is a friend of mine. Sometimes I have to beat it back, or it would overwhelm me. Shirley Meier


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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:18 am 
Lieutenant, JG
Lieutenant, JG

Joined: Sun Nov 27, 2005 3:16 pm
Posts: 149
Location: Ayr, Scotland uk.
Agreed. What looks good on paper doesn't always do good in practice and I don't get much opportunity to play Aerotech 2 and have never got familiar with the rules. Hopefully I will be able to get my PC upgraded enough to download and run megaaero sometime soon.

all you need is speed, accuracy and firepower

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 2:17 pm 

Joined: Tue Aug 05, 2008 12:20 pm
Posts: 1201
Location: Hattiesburg, MS
I just don't know. 121 SI? For a MONSOON refit? You increased the thrust as well. In my mind a refit should keep the thrust and the SI the same. By all means, upgrade the armor and even max out the armor tonnage. This isn't a Monsoon, it's a completely new ship.

Arminas tar Valantil
Grand Master of the Ebon Rose

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 2:22 pm 

Joined: Sun Aug 03, 2008 8:22 pm
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More like a completely new vessel. There isn't much (if anything) left of the original ship when you've changed the si and engine, if you ask me.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 11:35 pm 

Joined: Sun Sep 16, 2001 8:00 pm
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 7:20 pm 
Commanding General
Commanding General

Joined: Sat Nov 24, 2007 5:28 pm
Posts: 1828
I like it as a new ship, but I agree that it isn't really a refit.

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