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PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 10:53 pm 
Antisocial General
Antisocial General

Joined: Mon Mar 17, 2003 8:35 am
Posts: 7883
Location: MLC, Lyran Alliance.
This is one of those oddball ideas from the depths of my vehicle files. The fluff tells all; I think I did a good job with it. Enjoy.
          BattleTech Vehicle Technical Readout

Type/Model:    Pike Support Vehicle Type 48
Tech:          Inner Sphere / 3050
Config:        Tracked Vehicle
Rules:         Level 2, Modified design

Mass:          60 tons
Power Plant:   180 I.C.E.
Cruise Speed:  32.4 km/h
Maximum Speed: 54.0 km/h
Armor Type:    Standard
  2 Ultra AC/5s
  1 SRM 4 
Manufacturer:  (Unknown)
  Location:    (Unknown)
Communications System:  (Unknown)
Targeting & Tracking System:  (Unknown)

In 3048, nobody felt more pressed to keep up with the pace of technological
recovery than ComStar. As the House militaries built new units with recovered
technology in growing numbers, ComStar saw its technical advantage slipping
away. It was unacceptable that the keepers of Blake's legacy should be left
behind in the race for technology; since the Star League technical cat was
already out of the bag, the Com Guards were free to upgrade their own forces
with less worry about secrecy. The Pike Support Vehicle was one of the first
units selected; its upgraded model was nicknamed the "Type 48" by crews in the
Draconis Combine, and that name has stuck with this variant ever since. 

The Type 48 Pike can be visually distinguished from the original Pike by
having only two main gun barrels. These belong to a pair of UAC/5's, which
preserve most of the Pike's range while dramatically increasing its striking
power. The reduction from three guns to two also simplifies working in the
turret, which was badly cramped due to the multiple feed systems. A similar
feed simplification was given to the Pike's secondary armament; a single SRM-4
launcher replaced the original twin SRM-2's.

The new weapon and feed arrangements were a boon to maintenance of the Pike,
but required rearranging the ammo bins. Since that had to be done anyway, the
bins and hull were altered to install CASE to better protect the crew. A small
amount of leftover mass was devoted to armor, further improving the Pike's
already excellent hull-down profile.

==Battle History:==
When the Invading Clans arrived in the Inner Sphere, their custom of
zellbrigen was new to most Spheroid defenders. This cultural gap led directly
to many misunderstandings and melees in the early battles of the First
Invasion, one of which happened on the now forgotten world of Bodom in the
FRR. Clan Wolf reached Bodom before ComStar's diplomatic position had been
established, and the Com Guards assigned to Bodom's HPG base had a Level I of
the new Type 48 Pikes. As the battle quickly devolved into a melee, the Pikes
added their firepower to the Kungsarme's side. Bodom eventually fell to the
Wolves, but not before the Pikes scored a full Star of kills and numerous
"assists" against Wolf OmniMechs.

The Type 48 Pike was produced for the Com Guards between 3048 and 3058. The
majority were assigned to Com Guards units in the FRR and Draconis Combine,
where they faced the first Clan Invasion. After the Truce of Tukkayid, the
Type 48 became more widespread in the Inner Sphere, and many were given to the
FRR as part of ComStar's aid to the Kungsarme. The Word of Blake took some
Type 48's with it into exile, but little has been seen of them since. At least
a few Type 48's were also given to the Magistracy of Canopus, who first
produced the original Pike.

Type/Model:    Pike Support Vehicle Type 48
Mass:          60 tons

Equipment:                                 Items    Mass
Int. Struct.:  30 pts Standard               0      6.00
Engine:        180 I.C.E.                    0     14.00
    Cruise MP:   3
     Flank MP:   5
Heat Sinks:      0 Single                    0       .00
Cockpit & Controls:                          0      3.00
Crew: 4 Members                              0       .00
Turret Equipment:                            0      2.00
Armor Factor:  152 pts Standard              0      9.50

                          Internal    Armor
                          Structure   Value
   Front:                     6         37 
   Left / Right Sides:        6      26/26 
   Rear:                      6         26 
   Turret:                    6         37 

Weapons and Equipment    Loc  Heat  Ammo   Items    Mass
2 Ultra AC/5s            Turret   0   80     3     22.00
1 SRM 4                  Front    0   25     2      3.00
1 C.A.S.E. Equipment     Body                1       .50
TOTALS:                           0          6     60.00
Items & Tons Left:                          11       .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        1,516,800 C-Bills
Battle Value 2:    813 (old BV = 484)
Cost per BV:       1,865.68
Weapon Value:      338 / 338 (Ratio = .42 / .42)
Damage Factors:    SRDmg = 16;  MRDmg = 10;  LRDmg = 5
BattleForce2:      MP: 3T,  Armor/Structure: 0 / 6
                   Damage PB/M/L: 2/2/2,  Overheat: 0
                   Class: GH;  Point Value: 8

Be careful what you wish for. I might let you have it. :evil:

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 11:34 pm 
Gauss Rifle Pimp
Gauss Rifle Pimp

Joined: Thu May 16, 2002 8:00 pm
Posts: 936
Location: Sioux Falls
Nifty, I like that. Cheap and effective.

What did the Zen Buddhist say to the hot dog vendor?
Make me one with everything.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 11:43 pm 
Commanding General
Commanding General

Joined: Sat Nov 24, 2007 5:28 pm
Posts: 1828
It might be a little quirky, but it takes the Pike from being a support only vehicle to an able line tank.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 6:54 pm 
Supreme Mugwump
Supreme Mugwump

Joined: Wed Dec 06, 2006 3:42 pm
Posts: 3183
with the more and more widespread availability of clan technology the different houses, and of course comstar started to develop vehicles with mixed technology. this is a prototype intended to replace the type 48 in elite comstar units:
BattleTech Vehicle Technical Readout

Type/Model:    Pike model 58 
Tech:          Mixed Tech  /  3060
Config:        Tracked Vehicle
Rules:         Level 3, Custom design

Mass:          60 tons
Power Plant:   180 I.C.E. (C)
Cruise Speed:  32,4 km/h
Maximum Speed: 54,0 km/h
Armor Type:    Standard
  2 Ultra AC/5s(C)
  1 MRM 10 (IS)
  1 Improved C³ CPU (IS)
Manufacturer:  (Unknown)
  Location:    (Unknown)
Communications System:  (Unknown)
Targeting & Tracking System:  (Unknown)

Type/Model:    Pike model 58 
Mass:          60 tons

Equipment:                                 Items    Mass
Int. Struct.:  30 pts Standard               0      6,00
Engine:        180 I.C.E.                    0     14,00
    Cruise MP:   3
     Flank MP:   5
Heat Sinks:      0 Single                    0       ,00
Cockpit & Controls:                          0      3,00
Crew: 4 Members                              0       ,00
Turret Equipment:                            0      1,50
Armor Factor:  160 pts Standard (C)          0     10,00

                          Internal    Armor
                          Structure   Value
   Front:                     6         48 
   Left / Right Sides:        6      32/32 
   Rear:                      6         21 
   Turret:                    6         27 

Weapons and Equipment    Loc  Heat  Ammo   Items    Mass
2 Ultra AC/5s (C)        Turret   0   80     3     18,00
1 MRM 10 (IS)            Front    0   48     2      5,00
1 Improved C³ CPU (IS)   Body     0          1      2,50
1 C.A.S.E. Equipment     Body                0       ,00
TOTALS:                           0          6     60,00
Items & Tons Left:                          11       ,00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        2.677.600 C-Bills
Battle Value:      544  (+106 for C³)
Cost per BV:       4.922,06
Weapon Value:      399 / 399 (Ratio = ,73 / ,73)
Damage Factors:    SRDmg = 17;  MRDmg = 12;  LRDmg = 6
BattleForce2:      MP: 3T,  Armor/Structure: 0 / 6
                   Damage PB/M/L: 2/2/2,  Overheat: 0
                   Class: GH;  Point Value: 5
                   Specials: c3i

the lighter clan tech allows for the addition of a C3i, creating a deadly 6-vee unit

i replaced the SRM with the more versatile MRM10 for more flexibility

typos and spelling-mistakes are property of the finder. english is not my mother-tongue.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 11:58 pm 
Commanding General
Commanding General

Joined: Sat Nov 24, 2007 5:28 pm
Posts: 1828
How about MMLs instead of MRMs?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 1:11 am 

Joined: Sun Sep 16, 2001 8:00 pm
Posts: 11444
Location: Minnesnowta
I miss the triple AC...oh sure, this is more effective, I just miss it...

Medron Pryde - The Great and Terrible :blah:
[url=http://www.pryderockindustries.com]P.R.I.[/url] - The home of BattleTech programs and files
"I'm gonna Tea Party like its 1776." - Medron Pryde
Who is John Galt?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 1:12 pm 
Commanding General
Commanding General

Joined: Sat Nov 24, 2007 5:28 pm
Posts: 1828
Medron, you can always add a dummy third barrel if nothing else.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 8:20 pm 
Antisocial General
Antisocial General

Joined: Mon Mar 17, 2003 8:35 am
Posts: 7883
Location: MLC, Lyran Alliance.
I miss the triple AC...oh sure, this is more effective, I just miss it...
You might like some of the other Pike versions I've posted then...I'll find them and bump the thread for you.

Be careful what you wish for. I might let you have it. :evil:

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