Greeting from the sand pit of love or hate depending on witch side of the fob your on
Here is mech I came up with as gift from WOB to the Caesar of the Marian Hegemony
BattleMech Technical Readout
Custom*, THB Weapons
Type/Model: Lortica LTA-1X
Tech: Inner Sphere / 3050
Config: Biped BattleMech
Rules: Level 3, Standard design
Mass: 70 tons
Chassis: Kell Reinforced 270 Standard
Power Plant: 350 Magna XL Fusion
Walking Speed: 54.0 km/h
Maximum Speed: 86.4 [97.2] km/h
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor Type: Durallex Heavy Standard
1 Large Mech Shield*
2 Machine Guns
1 'Mech Mortar/4 (THB)
1 ER Medium Laser
1 Large Pulse Laser
1 ER Small Laser
Manufacturer: Ronin Incorporated
Location: Wallis
Communications System: Barret Party Line-200
Targeting & Tracking System: Wasat Watchdog W100
Created by Word of Blake as a gift for the Marian Hegemony Caesar O'Reilly
to gain favor. The Lortica class mech is meant to serve as a bodyguard simular
to the two Griffins that guard the Lyran Alliance Archon.
Built using top of the line experimental equipment the Lortica is geared for
close in combat where it's combination of shield and mech sized Galdius backed
up by triple strength myomer bundles gives the mech a edge in hand to hand
combat. The wepaon load out seems sparse compared to many other 70 tonners
with a Large Pulse Laser, ER Medium Laser, ER Small Laser, two Machine Guns
and a Mech sized Mortar. With 11.5 tons of Armor the Lortica can stand up to a
lot of abuse in order to get into range to use it's massive Galdius
Note-Large Mech Shield stats
DA: 7 DC: 25 Shield Bash -4 Mobility: -1 MP, No Jump
see Tactical Ops pg 291 for details on operation
Word of Blake made six Lortica class mechs as gifts for the caesar
Type/Model: Lortica LTA-1X
Mass: 70 tons
Equipment: Crits Mass
Int. Struct.: 107 pts Standard 0 7.00
Engine: 350 XL Fusion 12 15.00
Walking MP: 5 [6]
Running MP: 8 [9]
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks: 10 Double [20] 0 .00
Gyro: 4 4.00
Cockpit, Life Supt., Sensors: 5 3.00
Triple Strength Myomer: 6 .00
Actuators: L: Sh+UA+LA+H R: Sh+UA+LA+H 16 .00
Armor Factor: 182 pts Standard 0 11.50
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 22 20
Center Torso (Rear): 9
L/R Side Torso: 15 25/25
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 2/2
L/R Arm: 11 20/20
L/R Leg: 15 25/25
Weapons and Equipment Loc Heat Ammo Crits Mass
1 Large Mech Shield* RA 0 7 6.00
1 Machine Gun LA 0 200 2 1.50
(Ammo Locations: 1 RT)
1 'Mech Mortar/4 (THB) LT 5 12 5 9.00
(Ammo Locations: 2 RT)
1 ER Medium Laser LT 5 1 1.00
1 Large Pulse Laser LT 10 2 7.00
1 ER Small Laser LT 2 1 .50
1 Machine Gun HD 0 1 .50
CASE Equipment: RT 1 .50
1 Sword LH 5 3.50
TOTALS: 22 68 70.00
Crits & Tons Left: 10 .00
Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 17,552,131 C-Bills
Battle Value 2: 1,416 (old BV = 1,099)
Cost per BV2: 12,395.57
Weapon Value: 1,174 / 1,174 (Ratio = .83 / .83)
Damage Factors: SRDmg = 17; MRDmg = 6; LRDmg = 0
BattleForce2: MP: 5, Armor/Structure: 5/3
Damage PB/M/L: 5/2/1, Overheat: 0
Class: MH; Point Value: 14
so what do you all think ?