Good morning Tom, CDT.
Tom said or typed or wrote:
I'm not sure what delusion is being referenced.
Well actually I'm a friend of chip burcham. He and I meet here at library that he and I are at now to talk.
Tom said or typed or wrote:
I have two copies of Classic BattleTech TechManual.
The first copy is a hardcover that I purchased about six months ago and the second is the PDF version I picked up a couple of days ago. The Master Engine Table in both copies is found on page 49 which lists the weight of a 400 XL fusion engine as 26.5 versus 21.5 tons.
Yeah, that sounds correct; I must've misread a webpage listing (of another website) of the standard fusion 400 tonnage or it might've been incorrectly posted (I was sort of skeptical of that webpage listing).
Tom said or typed or wrote:
Part 2: Aerospace Fighter comments:
Classic BattleTech TechManual p. 187 Determine Structural Integrity
Fighters: The SI value of a conventional or aerospace fighter must equal the fighter’s Safe Thrust Rating or 10 percent of the fighter’s tonnage (rounded down), whichever value is higher. Fighters devote no mass to this structural integrity and may not voluntarily increase its value.
The aerospace fighter's structural integrity listed is 6 and 8. Under the above design rules 100 x 0.1 = 10 which is larger than either of the aerospace fighter's SI of 6 or 8 which is also the vessel's Safe Thrust Speed.
Yeah, I was using Aerodyne DropShuttle construction rules from AeroTech 2; the 6 is from max thrust and the 8 is overthrust (like 'Mech sprinting). Also, I read on another website years ago that TechManual didn’t change aerospace fighter construction rules; I'm must be too gullible or that person, that posted to that website didn't read TechManual rules very well). Theoretically, an aerospace fighter's SI structure should have mass because it uses its wheels to launch and land and uses other components to perform maneuvers.
Tom said or typed or wrote:
Classic BattleTech TechManual p. 186 Determine Fuel Capacity
The Aerospace Fuel Table indicates that an aerospace fighter has 80 fuel points per ton.
The first Crazy Strafey is listed as having 975 fuel points. Dividing 975 by 80 yields 12.1875 tons of fuel. The TechManual smallest weight unit is 0.5 tons and the book does not mention any calculations for fuel pumps. By the TechManual 12.5 tons of fuel yield 1,000 fuel points.
The second Crazy Strafey is listed as having 234 fuel points. Dividing 234 by 80 yields 2.925 tons of fuel. By the TechManual 3 tons of fuel yield 240 fuel points.
I was using Strategic Operations fuel rules; 78 points of fuel plus 2% of total fuel tonnage of 80 points is approximately one ton of fuel & pumps, so 12.5 tons multiplied by 78 points of fuel = 975 fuel points
Tom said or typed or wrote:
Classic BattleTech TechManual pp. 190-193 Step 3 Add Armor
Page 190: Aerospace unit armor may be mounted in full- or half-ton lots.
The second Crazy Strafey is listed as using 0.25 tons of armor per armor facing, my search in the PDFs for Tactical Operation, Strategic Operations, and Interstellar Operations have not found that quarter-ton lots of armor is a design option.
I think Tactical Operations and HMAero provide for fractional accounting rule that allows 0.25 tons of armor.
Tom said or typed or wrote:
Classic BattleTech TechManual pp. 217 Fire Control Systems
Only IndustrialMechs and Support Vehicles may install advanced fire control systems (BattleMechs, ProtoMechs, Combat Vehicles, fighters, Small Craft and DropShips receive this system free).
I've checked in Tactical Operation, Strategic Operations, and Interstellar Operations and did not find any indication that fire control systems in aerospace fighters have a tonnage requirement.
Again, I was using AeroTech 2 and I think HMAero could perhaps used to require fire control systems.
Tom said or typed or wrote:
To recap the 24 Inner Sphere Med. Laser carried in the nose arc and the 24 in the aft arc exceed the the limit of 5 weapons per nose, left-wing, right-wing, and aft arcs as indicated below.
Technical Manual hardcover and PDF Designing Aerospace Fighters:
Page 183 Space: For conventional and aerospace fighters, the space limits (weapon slots) is set at 5 weapons per arc (Nose, Left Wing, Right Wing, and Aft).
Page 196: Space: Aerospace unit fire control and power distribution systems limit the number of weapons that can be mounted in an arc. For fighters, this limit is set at 5 weapons per arc (less if the unit uses non-standard armor; see Add Armor, p. 190). This maximum limit may not be exceeded under these construction rules.
Yeah, I was using AeroTech 2 construction that I think did require fire control systems ;and as for more than 5 weapons, I think AeroTech 2 and HMAero could perhaps have originally allowed that for aerospace fighters.
Tom said or typed or wrote:
Note that I may have not understood the rules correctly even after checking the examples used in the aerospace unit section of the TechManual which means I may be in error.
I’m sure you’ve comprehended current aerospace fighter construction rules; I was using older versions of them. I used "aerofighter" because the subject line when I sent that PM didn't allow me to fully type "aerospace fighter". Also, I was trying to point out the unbalancing flaws of strafing attack damage especially since BV and heat and ammo aren’t taken into account. I have designed revised versions of those two Crazy Strafey Aerospace Fighters as follows:
Note that double heat sinks, fuel & pumps, and armor can be removed or added at discretion of person designing version(s) of Crazy Strafey provided that said version(s) each are not more than 100 tons).
Crazy Strafey Expendable Aerospace Fighter (should be using TechManual & Strategic Operations rules)
100 desired tonnage
0 SI: 10
26.5 fusion 400 XXL
35 double heat sinks: 45 heat: 92 of thirty lasers & max thrust
4 fuel & pumps: 309
3 cockpit
0.5 two points of standard armor per each location
5 Inner Sphere Medium Lasers 5 nose arc
5 Inner Sphere Medium Lasers 5 aft arc
5 Inner Sphere Medium Lasers 5 left wing for arc
5 Inner Sphere Medium Lasers 5 right wing for arc
5 Inner Sphere Medium Lasers 5 left wing aft arc
5 Inner Sphere Medium Lasers 5 right wing aft arc
8 Inner Sphere targeting computer
100 total tons
Crazy Strafey Expendable Drone Aerospace Fighter (should be using TechManual & Tactical Operations & Strategic Operations rules)
100 desired tonnage
0 SI: 10
17.5 fusion 400 XXL
0 double heat sinks: 10 heat: 96 of thirty lasers & overthrust
5.5 fuel & pumps: 429
2 small cockpit
26.5 one hundred six points of standard armor per each location
5 Inner Sphere Medium Lasers 5 nose arc
5 Inner Sphere Medium Lasers 5 aft arc
5 Inner Sphere Medium Lasers 5 left wing front arc
5 Inner Sphere Medium Lasers 5 left wing aft arc
5 Inner Sphere Medium Lasers 5 right wing front arc
5 Inner Sphere Medium Lasers 5 right wing aft arc
8 Inner Sphere targeting computer
10.5 drone equipment & drone sensors
100 total tonnage
Let's also remember that the Advanced Ability Traits (Weapon Specialist & range switching & I think Ground Attack) from A Time of War should probably make strafing attacking to-hit rolls easier I think. Damage from all 30 Medium Lasers simultaneously during a strafing attack for five hexes during a single turn is: 5 damage points *(4 units plus structure)*5 hexes *30 Medium Lasers =3,750 damage points total in
one Total Warfare turn. That's still

Damage from 20 Medium Lasers simultaneously during a strafing attack for five hexes during a single turn is: 5 damage points *(4 units plus structure)*5 hexes *20 Medium Lasers =2,500 damage points total in
one Total Warfare turn provided that the wing aft arcs aren't used. That's still